How to write a nursing case study
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
2 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
2 inquiries - Assignment Example For Example, in the event that we duplicate two numbers a^5 and a^3, at that point we include forces of both number as bases are same and the item will be Remainder Rule: When partitioning with exponential documentation with similar bases (non-zero), we take away the example of the denominator from the type of the numerator. For Example, isolating a^5 by a^3, we take away 3 from 5, as bases are same and the division will be When revising an exponential articulation with a negative example and a positive base to an articulation containing just a positive type, does the indication of the base change? Exhibit with a model. No, when modifying an exponential articulation with a negative example and a positive base to an articulation containing just a positive type, the indication of the base doesn't change. If there should be an occurrence of a negative type, x to the intensity of a negative number is one isolated by x to the intensity of that positive number. For instance, a^(- 2) will be equivalent to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Abu Bakr - the First Muslim Caliph
Abu Bakr - the First Muslim Caliph Destined to a rich family, Abu Bakr was an effective shipper with a notoriety for genuineness and benevolence. Custom has it that, having for quite some time been a companion to Muhammad, Abu Bakr quickly acknowledged him as a prophet and turned into the primary grown-up male to change over to Islam. Muhammad wedded Abu Bakrs little girl Aishah and picked him to go with him to Medina. In the blink of an eye before his passing, Muhammad asked Abu Bakr to present a supplication for the individuals. This was taken as a sign that the Prophet had picked Abu Bakr to succeed him. After Muhammads passing, Abu Bakr was acknowledged as the main appointee of the Prophet of God, or caliph. Another group favored Muhammads child in-law Ali as caliph, yet Ali in the end submitted, and Abu Bakr took over administration of every single Muslim Arab. As Caliph, Abu Bakr brought all of focal Arabia under Muslim control and was effective in spreading Islam further through victory. He likewise made sure that the Prophets colloquialisms were safeguarded in composed structure. The assortment of expressions would be arranged into the Quran (or Quran or Koran). Abu Bakr kicked the bucket in his sixties, conceivably from poison however similarly as likely from regular causes. Before his passing he named a replacement, building up a convention of government by picked replacements. A few ages later, after contentions prompted murder and war, Islam would be part into two groups: the Sunni, who followed the Caliphs, and the Shiite, who accepted that Ali was the best possible beneficiary of Muhammad and would just follow pioneers slid from him. Otherwise called El Siddik or Al-Siddiq (The Upright) Noted For Abu Bakr was the dearest companion and friend ofà Muhammadà and the principal Muslim caliph. He was one of the principal men to change over to Islam and was picked by the Prophet as his buddy on theà Hijrahà to Medina. Spots of Residence and Influence Asia: Arabia Significant Dates Born:â c. 573 Completedà Hijrahà to Medina:à Sept. 24, 622ââ¬â¹ Died:à Aug. 23, 634 Citation Attributed to Abu Bakr Our habitation in this world is short lived, our life in that is nevertheless a credit, our breaths are numbered and our sluggishness is show.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
What is Microtargeting
What is Microtargeting Search engines such as Google, social media networks, over the top video services, and web news outlets have created a digital media ecosystem.It has dramatically changed the way people around the globe consume information.All the companies and websites within the digital ecosystem are competing for your attention at the same time.They also influence every aspect of our society, ranging from how we raise our children to which products we buy.Scott Oldfod teaches how you can master Facebook targeting. Microtargeting is the most important component of the information overload you are a constant target of. Both individuals and companies use microtargeting commercially and non-commercially.It has already had a great impact on our society in addition to totally transforming our lives.Thanks to microtargeting, companies and political parties know you better than you know yourself.Some of the microtargeting campaigns have been so powerful that people often see them in their sleep.WHAT IS MI CROTARGETING?Microtargeting is one of the latest marketing techniques you can employ to promote your business. It helps organizations identify consumersâ behaviors and tastes. It has already seen many different uses outside the marketing world.It is a practice of collecting users data, including what they buy, their demographics, what they like and what they are most connected to.Subsequently, companies use this data to segment them into different groups for the sake of content or product marketing.The basic purpose of microtargeting is to create a marketing strategy which delivers advertisements to a specific faction of society.It predicts your interests, influences, opinions, and purchasing habits based on your behavioral, geographic, psychographic and demographic data.One of the companies that successfully use microtargeting is Google?For example, if you search for the latest Lenovo laptops, Google will start serving you advertisements about the different types of laptops.Faceb ook employs the same technique to determine which ads you may be most interested in. In general, it helps organizations or individuals deliver helpful and relevant content to you.However, it does provide you with wrong or biased information, the sole purpose of which is to influence your decision.People and organization use different methods to collect your data.But, it is basically an unregulated territory in most countries, including the United States of America.It is, therefore, the responsibility of the citizens and consumers alike to understand what a particular organization is up to.It will further help you protect yourself from the dark and negative features of this particular marketing technique.OBJECTIVES OF MICROTARGETINGDifferent people have different motivational triggers, opinions, and interests. Microtargeting aims at creating a more comprehensive advertisement strategy.The strategy is based on predictive analyses along with the consumer data collected through differen t sources.It is a proven fact that the campaigns that target a certain section of society are much more effective than unrelated advertisements.They result in a better return on investment because they are more interesting, more convincing, and more relevant. More importantly, they increase consumer engagement as well.For example, people who love football will definitely take a keen interest in a campaign related to football.On the other hand, you will quickly lose interest in the advertisements related to cricket simply because you do not like it as a sport.Companies can easily tap most of your interests, opinions, preferences, and habits from your online browsing history or habits.They try to create the most exciting and convincing marketing strategy using this data in the hope that you will eventually buy their products.DOES MICROTARGETING WORK?Does microtargeting really work? In fact, it can create political and marketing shock waves despite being apparently inconsequential and subtle.Whether or not microtargeting works depends upon the commercial activities occurring in the companys background.The three most important digital platforms that are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have a similar business model.It is also interesting to learn that all these companies testified before the United States Congress for malicious Russian activities on their platforms during the 2016 presidential elections.Back to their business model, it actually has three main components or branches.If you want to learn more about microtargeting, watch this video. The first component or practice is to hold the users attention for a long time period by creating an extremely addictive and enormously compelling world of products and services.In the case of Facebook and Twitter, the ever-updating news feeds and messenger apps serve this very purpose.The second step is to use all the digital services, especially Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to collect as much data as possible about the user. It even goes to the extent of creating holistic behavioral tracking profiles for each and every user.Lastly, major digital companies create dedicated algorithms to perform two different functions. The first one is to predict the type of content which keep you hooked to their network.The second function is to intersperse only those ads in the content which we are most likely to click for optimal revenue.This particular business model enables both the politicians and marketers to optimally use microtargeting for their respective purposes. Digital giants continually curate the experience you have on their networks.They only attempt to show you the content you are most passionate about to keep you engaged to their platform. All these things help them create interest filters which various organizations can use to achieve their marketing objectives.Both commercial and political entities make equal use of microtargeting.The thing to remember here is that organizations derive data fr om your personal information that is easily available on all the social and digital media platforms.They use this data to divide users into politically opposed factions. Based on their findings, they make predictions regarding which kind of content you would like to see.They present the content, which resonates with your thoughts and entices you to take action and practically and financially support their cause.It is, in fact, blatant harvesting of your beliefs, behaviors, preferences, interests, and likes and dislikes.MICROTARGETING IN POLITICSIt is believed that microtargeting played a crucial role in Donald Trumps victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016s presidential elections.Head Digital Strategist of Trumps campaign has said on a number of occasions that they use this technique to communicate with people and portray Trump as a next president.The strategy was a success because it pushed their popularity to the top, especially on Facebook and Twitter. In one of his recent tweets, h e stated that their campaign was 100x to 200x more efficient than that of Clintons.This YouTube video does a brilliant job of explaining how microtargeting works in politics. Mrs. Clinton relied only on disseminating her message on social media which contributed heavily to her downfall.On the other hand, Donald Trump spent a whopping $150 million on highly targeted advertisements on Instagram and Facebook.The final result was the testimony to the fact that microtargeting is a real thing and it can greatly help you attain your goals, whatever they may be.The 2016 presidential elections were not the first occasion someone used microtargeting for political purposes. Republicans also used advanced microtargeting in 2004 elections as well.Karl Rove and Blaise Hazelwood targeted potential voters in 18 states which resulted in their victory against the Democrats candidate, John Kerry.1n 2008, Barrack Obama gave Republicans the taste of their own medicine. His team spent millions of dollars on digital communication. Database engineers, data scientists, and technical support staff worked day and night to re-engineer the database of democratic voters.The database included all the information about these voters based on their general interest, online and offline behaviors and social media profiles.The team further used this data to devise a comprehensive marketing strategy to target people in the best manner possible.Watch the video to learn more about Obamaâs secret microtargeting operation. They designed everything from the website to social media contests (Dinner with Obama) and ads while keeping the target audience in view.Obamas marketing campaign was so successful that people not only voted for him, but also convinced their friends, family, and everyone in their circle to support him.Borrel Associates correctly predicted that American politicians would spend nearly a billion dollars on microtargeted online campaigns during the 2016 presidential cycle in one of th eir reports.The same report also forecasts that the total spending on online microtargeted campaigns during the 2020 presidential cycle would be approximately $3.3 billion. Source: wired.comMICROTARGETING IN ADVERTISEMENTJust like politics, commercial marketers have been using this marketing technique for some time now and with good effect.The basic principle is the same that is engineering your customers data, such as things like their interests, likes and dislikes and their purchasing habits.Subsequently, you divide customers into different groups and devise marketing strategies to target them according to their habits and behaviors.As a matter of fact, microtargeting is the sub-branch of data insights and predictive analysis, which have become very common in the marketing world.The following infographic shows the five stages of microtargeted inbound marketing. Source: doogheno.comLet us assume that your ultimate goal is to improve your conversion rate. You can start by identifying the actions and attributes of your previous customers.The next step is to collect all the data about them such as their age, location, purchasing power, education, and income, etc.Then, you can further improve your strategy by adding extra attributes such as travel enthusiasts, gamers, pet owners, and TV show lovers.In fact, you can attach any attribute you want to segment your customers.It is also important to identify as many attributes as possible in addition to overlapping them if you want to create accurate subgroups of your larger audience.You can also use these subgroups to identify other customers with similar traits, interests, and habits.As a result, you will be able to build another large audience of prospective customers. These are the customers who share purchasing habits and traits with people who have already bought your products.This method of the advertisement does not focus on quantity, but rather brings real and quality customers to your business. It also enables you to predict which of the customers are most likely to convert.Now that you already have a micro-targeted audience, you can set apart some money from your marketing budget and spend on it as well.It further helps you penetrate into a niche market only if you can deliver relevant messages to the audience.Keep in mind that microtargeting is totally different from spray and pray mode of marketing.It is a consumer first approach, exactly what you need to customize your message and develop personal connections with an ad-weary audience.You can also get your hand on the big data by targeting a certain group of people. You can use this data to create a personalized and comprehensive campaign, which delivers relevant messages to your most loyal customers.To make things even better, you can send messages to their preferred devices as well.This is especially important if you are also devising campaigns for cross-device marketing.THE IMPORTANCE OF MICROTARGETINGMicrotargeting has garnered immense popularity in recent years. It is perhaps the most effective marketing medium in the digital world where it has become increasingly difficult to craft a message which not only cuts through the clutter but also resonates with your audience and compels them to make a purchase.Some of the smartest companies in the world have realized that the only way to increase ROI is to enhance campaign relevance.With budgets stretched to limit, companies cannot afford to spend money lavishly on useless, unrelated marketing strategies and this is where microtargeting comes to your rescue.Gone are the days when it was enough to simply send personalized messages to your target audience. On the other hand, microtargeting enables you to send messages to a certain group of people having similar needs, habits, and traits.It can enhance your brand awareness, customer engagement an d thus, sales by almost 5%, which is more than enough in the industry with only 1% growth average.Microtargeting is particularly beneficial for direct marketers who focus on acquiring qualified leads to drive sales.They can use the technique to send highly customized and relevant emails to a small group of people who are living in the same city and have similar habits, interests, and needs.They may also belong to the same age bracket or work in the same industry. The possibilities are endless.You can add any trait you like to divide and subdivide people into small groups to create a holistic but relevant marketing campaign for each of them.So, how you can start once you have decided to go ahead with microtargeting? Here are seven essential factors to consider.Focus on RelevanceIn fact, microtargeting is another name for relevancy. We cannot emphasize it enough.You need to classify each of present or potential customers into a relevant category for this marketing technique to work.Si milarly, paying equal attention to every category, even if some of them have only one or two customers is the way to go.You can base these categories on different factors such as peoples behavior on your website, level of responsiveness, brand segments, purchasing interests and habits, age and demographics, etc.Hiring a data provider to filter leads based on the categories you have created is also important.This will have a positive impact on your company as you will only target customers and people which really matter for your business. You must also make sure that communication is highly relevant.The best way to do so is to tailor the messages according to the behaviors and interests of your audience.Focus on the AudienceIt is quite tempting and sometimes irresistible to send your message to millions of people at the same time. After all, it is your right to deliver your message to as many people as you like.You may consider addressing only a thousand or so people if you want to r un a highly targeted campaign. It is actually an unhealthy practice to send your message to millions of disconnected people.It will not only cost you a lot of money, but you will alienate your prospective customers by bombarding them with irrelevant messages and marketing campaigns.Therefore, keep a close look at the people who visit your website. It will help you craft customized and highly relevant campaigns for them based on their viewing activity.Resultantly, you will be able to deliver a message they actually want to receive and read.Leverage Multichannel CampaignsIt is important for you to use almost all the market channels at your disposal to enhance your campaigns effectiveness.Ensure that you gather information from all these channels and devise marketing campaigns and offer incentives, as per the data you receive.You can even offer deeper incentives down the road to attract more customers to your business. A dedicated data provider also plays a crucial role in successful m ultichannel marketing.Know Your TargetsIt is imperative for you to avoid all kinds of spamming and concentrate on strategic marketing. Try to make people agree with you are trying to explain.Be sure that you have the legitimate right to market the products.Always acquire data from reputable providers if you want to start an email marketing campaign.Obtaining data from sources which employ shadowy techniques like website scraping to collect data can tarnish your own reputation.Similarly, it is your moral duty to seek permission before contacting someone. Remove any person who does not want to be contacted from your list. Always use ethical techniques to reach your audience.Never Compromise QualityThe prerequisite for successful targeted campaigns is high quality, but fresh data.The data you collect normally decays at the rate of 2% to 3% percent per month. It loses its authenticity by 25% after six months and it will be totally outdated within a year.You may even end up spending $10 on each outdated record you have in your data library. It will not only make you lose a considerable amount of money, but it will also seriously dent your marketing efforts. To ensure freshness, you need to continually update your data.Focus on the people who are most likely to click, read and take action on your email or ad. Obviously, this is the only way to dramatically improve your campaigns results.The best method to attract high quality and relevant leads through microtargeting is to send messages that promise to solve the readersâ problems or meet their needs.Think Beyond SalesMicrotargeting also helps you attract more satisfied and happy customers, ultimately leading you to develop long-lasting business relationships with them.Any contact information in your database may also indicate that the person is interested in starting a conversation which is not all about sales.If you manage to properly target such contacts, you can build preferences and loyalty for your business i n the long run.For example, if someone has attended a conference organized by your business in the past, never forget to inform them about the similar events in the future by sending them personalized and targeted messages.Get Your Timing RightDeveloping relevant contact and sending personalized messages are not enough to drive loyalty, engagement, and sales. It is also about getting your timing right.You can show your customers that you care about them and want to solve their problems with the help of post-service or post-sales messages, sowing the seeds for a long and profitable partnership.THE MAJOR DRAWBACK OF MICROTARGETINGNothing in this world is perfect and same is the case with microtargeting.Despite its many benefits, some experts are cynical of microtargeting for one thing only, the spread of misinformation.Politicians, in particular, have mastered the art of spreading false information through microtargeting.The following video explains how microtargeting harms the public sphere. Politicians can say and upload whatever they want on social media. As they already have a huge database of information, they encourage their followers to organically share and reshare their ideas.Some people also share the content published on social media by their favorite politicians without bothering to verify whether or not it is authentic.Political campaigns take the maximum advantage of this organic information freely circulating on different social media platforms.This is the very concept behind the massive success of misinformation campaigns. Politicians upload unpaid or organic content on social media, according to the demographics and other factors related to their followers.If the information is interesting enough, it will get viral within minutes and then there will be no one to question its authenticity.There is also a basic difference between misinformation and disinformation.The earlier is the false content which people promote either knowingly or unknowingly . Disinformation is the false information which people knowingly upload with the malicious intent.Things become quite dangerous when false information is about a countrys policies and future. For example, there is no proof that Pop endorsed Donald Trump.However, a vast majority of Americans believed he did.This particular fake news had real effects on the election results because a sizable portion of Trumpâs supporters is deeply religious.The worst part is that false news gets viral and travels faster than the true one, making it even more convenient for politicians to influence your decisions.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Women Of The Aboriginal Canadian Women - 1513 Words
Introduction Aids is a disease that is increasing rapidly. Even though there is more efficient technology today than there was before, we still find it difficult to prevent the disease and yet have a large amount of infected people. Women are more prone to the disease than men, let alone the Aboriginal Canadian women. Thereââ¬â¢s a dramatic increase in HIV and AIDS rates among Aboriginal people in Canada. Although HIV indeterminately affects all individuals no matter age, gender, or race. In Canada women and even more specifically Aboriginal women, are more vulnerable in contracting HIV. Definition Of The Problem ââ¬Å"Aids is a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body s cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancyâ⬠. As HIV disease progresses in your body, you may notice physical changes. Some changes may occur as side-effects of medical treatment for HIV. Others may occur as a result of the intense impact that HIV (or AIDS) has on your body. Thereââ¬â¢s a large increase of AIDS in Aboriginal families in Canada. Causes of AIDS There are multiple reasons as to why women are more vulnerable to be infected with AIDS over men. Aboriginal aids activists in Canada claim that they are trying to lower the high rate of HIV infections among Aboriginals, considering infection rate is as high as 3.8% of Canadaââ¬â¢s population. The HIV infection rate for Aboriginal women in Canada grew 3.6 times higher than the rate for otherShow MoreRelatedOverview of Canadian Aboriginal Women Trauma Caused by Colonialism3088 Words à |à 13 Pagesintergenerational trauma, and marginalization of Canadian Aboriginal women who have lost their sense of health and wellness, which has led to countless disappearances and murders. Trauma can be defined as an ââ¬Å"extreme, important event against a personââ¬â¢s body or self-conceptâ⬠(Frideres, 2011, p. 80), and unless measures are taken to counteract the serious injury and harm caused by trauma it can result in the inability of a person to self-heal (Frideres, 2011). Trauma in Aboriginal people started happening over 500Read MoreHistory Of Violence Against Aboriginal Women1068 Words à |à 5 PagesHistory of violence against Aboriginal women in Canada No analysis of violence against Indigenous women can be made without first looking at colonization as the antipasto of the conflict (Cooper Salomons 2010). ââ¬Å"It is thus paramount to understand the context of colonisation in Canada in order to begin to understand the structural problems and barriers that lead to serious numbers of missing and murder Indigenous women in Canada.â⬠(Cooper Salomons 2010, 31). When the Europeans first came to ââ¬Å"turtleRead MoreThe Indian Act Of 1876 And The Amendment Of 19851321 Words à |à 6 Pagesmany ways by the Westerners. Aboriginal women have been having a really hard time, being not only aboriginal, but also women in a male-dominated society where women are seen as secondary and donââ¬â¢t have all the rights and privileges that men have. We will focus here on the legal discrimination against indigenous women in Canada that came with the Indian Act of 1876 and the amendment of 1985, how those two events influenced women. We will first study why indigenous women have been more discriminatedRead MoreAboriginal Children and Women are an Impediment to Development in Canada1359 Words à |à 5 PagesResearch Topic: The ongoing targeting of Aboriginal Children and Women is a significant impediment to development in Canada. 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The struggles, injustices, prejudice, and discriminationRead MoreAboriginal Women are Oppressed in Society Essay1443 Words à |à 6 PagesThroughout history, women have been the victims of oppression in society. In specific, Aboriginal women have suffered through racism, sexism, domestic violence, and over-representation. Through the implementation of the Indian Act, Aboriginal women have been forced to abandon their culture in order to assimilate into Canadian society. The effects of colonization has changed the way Aboriginal women are treated; emotionally and physically, and therefore are the source of oppression today. The IndianRead MoreEssay on Equality and Justice for All in Canada1322 Words à |à 6 Pagesalways been a welcoming and mature nation. In the past, women were not allowed to vote alongside men or run for political positions, due to the fact that they were not considered ââ¬Å"personsâ⬠. As well, Aboriginal children were stipped from their homes, families, and identities so that they could assimilate all First Nations people. During the last century, women have gained more political rights, gained more respect from society, and Aboriginal people have been compensated for their terrible past. ForRead MoreFactors That Promote The Vulnerability1067 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe Vulnerability to Violence in Canadaââ¬â¢s Aboriginal Women i. Political Factors The first political factor that serves to embody one of the root causes for violence against Aboriginal women in Canada is the legislative gap, or its lack thereof. According to Harper (2006), both federal and provincial law essentially fails to address the equal division of matrimonial property on reserves. In contrast, as Harper (2006) continues to suggest, al other Canadian citizens are protected by law in this respectRead MoreAboriginal Women Essay796 Words à |à 4 PagesWomen generally and Aboriginal women in particular do not have access to adequate programs or services while they are in the federal prison system. A majority of programming offered in the federal correctional system is not geared towards the needs of women for reintegration into Canadian society nor is it culturally appropriate for Aboriginal prisoners. The Aboriginal community has also been provided in law with a right to provide custody and treatment of both male and female Aboriginal prisonersRead MoreAbor iginal Women in Canada Essays1375 Words à |à 6 PagesThe issue of violence against Aboriginal women is my chosen subtopic that strongly contributes to the history of Aboriginal womenââ¬â¢s struggle for rights and identity in Canada. To search relevant newspaper articles for this topic, the databases that were used were Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, as well as Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies. The reason these two databases were chosen was because Canadian Newsstand offered articles from multiple newspapers in the country, therefore providing me with diverse
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Analysis Of Dante s Inferno, There Are Nine Circles Of Hell
In Danteââ¬â¢s Inferno, there are nine circles of Hell. Dante goes through all nine circles, with his guide, Virgil, in hopes that he will make it to Heaven. In this Hell there are only four circles. This Hell is also called High School and the ultimate goal here is to go to Heaven, also called College. The four circles of High School include: the Regular students, the Honor students, the Artistic students, and the Athletic students. None of the groups are worse than the others, or lower down in High School. They are all on the same level, but they are separated into different groups. The person going through all four circles of High School is Freshman, Lilly Claire. Her guide through all of this is her big sister, Ainsley. As Lilly Claireâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The second group of students are the Honor students. They make straight Aââ¬â¢s on all assignments and they never have to study because they were born smart. Included in the Honors circle, are also the AP student s, who are also very smart, and these two sections are what make the Honors circle bigger than the Regulars. Along with the Regulars, the Honors and AP also have a lot of work, but not as a punishment. The Honors students are in harder classes, which is why they receive more work. It is to help expand their range of knowledge. The punishment the Honors get for being in High School is not getting straight Aââ¬â¢s. Any assignment they are given they end up failing. While Lilly Claire goes through this circle, she begins to get scared. She does not like all of the harder classes and the work load that is being given by the teachers. As Lilly Claire and Ainsley walk through the group of students, Ainsley reminds Lilly Claire, although it is harder, College likes to see all of the hard classes students takes. College likes to see how the students challenge themselves. But what College do not like is bad grades. Which also scares Lilly Claire. She is scared that if she takes honors cla sses then she will fail and not get to go to College, which is the ultimate goal. As they continue walking, Ainsley comforts her by telling her she does not have to make a decision yet. Knowing thatShow MoreRelatedDante s Inferno : The Inferno1704 Words à |à 7 Pages Dante Inferno Ellen Dukes Professor Reynolds December 4, 2015 Dante s Inferno The book Dante s Inferno or is commonly known as Dante s Hell dwells in many issues that are true in today society and is entertaining and thought provocative to the reader. This book shows that Danteââ¬â¢s life, as strange and different as it reads, is no more different than many peopleââ¬â¢s lives today. The expeditions that Dante takes after he is lost and confused in the gloomy forest and on his way met by VirgilRead MoreEssay about Sin and Virtue in the works of Freud and Dante1657 Words à |à 7 Pagesforgiveness for his sins, the common belief is that he will be sent to Hell upon death, spending an eternity in damnation. But how does this affect life on Earth? It seems that the individual harbors an internal battle between acting on instinctual desires and what is deemed right or wrong according to God. This self-war creates a sense of guilt. Guilt and sin are closely related to one another in terms of Sigmund Freuds analysis of religion in civilization and can be furt her compared to Dantes account
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Return Nightfall Chapter 16 Free Essays
string(28) " look here sooner or later\." Stefan was surprised to find Mrs. Flowers waiting for them when they returned from their picnic. And, also unusually, she had something to say that didnââ¬â¢t involve her gardens. We will write a custom essay sample on The Return: Nightfall Chapter 16 or any similar topic only for you Order Now ââ¬Å"There is a message for you upstairs,â⬠she said, jerking her head toward the narrow staircase. ââ¬Å"It came from a dark young fellow ââ¬â he looked somewhat like you. He wouldnââ¬â¢t leave a word with me. Just asked where to leave a message.â⬠ââ¬Å"Dark fellow? Damon?â⬠Elena asked. Stefan shook his head. ââ¬Å"What would he want to be leaving me messages for?â⬠He left Elena with Mrs. Flowers and hastened up the crazy, zigzagging stairs. At the top he found a piece of paper stuffed under the door. It was a Thinking of You card, sans envelope. Stefan, who knew his brother, doubted that it had been paid for ââ¬â with money, at least. Inside, in heavy black felt-tipped pen, were the words: DONââ¬â¢T NEED THIS. THOUGHT ST. STEFAN MIGHT. MEET ME TONIGHT AT THE TREE WHERE THE HUMANS CRASHED. NO LATER THAN 4:30A.M . Iââ¬â¢LL GIVE YOU THE SCOOP. D. That was allâ⬠¦except for a Web address. Stefan was about to throw the note in the wastebasket when curiosity assailed him. He turned on the computer, directed it to the proper website, and watched. For a while, nothing happened. Then very dark gray letters on a black screen appeared. To a human, it would have appeared to be a completely blank screen. To vampires, with their higher visual acuity, the gray on black was faint but clear. Tired of that lapis lazuli? Want to take a vacation in Hawaii? Sick of that same old liquid cuisine? Come and visit Shi no Shi. Stefan started to close the page, but something stopped him. He sat and stared at the inconspicuous little ad beneath the poem until he heard Elena at the door. He quickly closed the computer and went to take the picnic basket from her. He said nothing about the note or what heââ¬â¢d seen on the computer screen. But as the night went on, he thought more and more. ââ¬Å"Oh! Stefan, youââ¬â¢ll break my ribs! You squeezed all my breath out!â⬠ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m sorry. I just need to hold you.â⬠ââ¬Å"Well, I need to hold you, too.â⬠ââ¬Å"Thank you, angel.â⬠Everything was quiet in the room with the high ceiling. One window was open, letting the moonlight through. In the sky, even the moon seemed to creep stealthily along, and the shaft of moonlight followed it on the hardwood floor. Damon smiled. He had had a long, restful day and now he meant to have an interesting night. Getting through the window wasnââ¬â¢t quite as easy as heââ¬â¢d expected. When he arrived as a huge, glossy black crow, he was expecting to balance on the windowsill and change to human form to open the window. But the window had a trap on it ââ¬â it was linked by Power to one of the sleepers inside. Damon puzzled over it, preening himself viciously, afraid to put any tension on that thin link, when something arrived beside him in a flutter of wings. It looked like no respectable crow ever registered in the sighting book of any ornithologist. It was sleek enough, but its wings were tipped with scarlet, and it had golden, shining eyes. Shinichi?Damon asked. Who else?came the reply as a golden eye fixed on him.I see you have a problem. But it can be fixed. Iââ¬â¢ll deepen their sleep so that you can cut the link. Donââ¬â¢t!Damon said reflexively.If you so much as touch either of them, Stefan will ââ¬â The answer came in soothing tones.Stefanââ¬â¢s just a boy, remember? Trust me. You do trust me, donââ¬â¢t you? And it worked out exactly as the demonically colored bird said it would. The sleepers inside slept more deeply, and then more deeply still. A moment later the window opened, and Damon changed form and was inside. His brother andâ⬠¦and sheâ⬠¦the one he alwayshad to watchâ⬠¦shewas lying asleep, her golden hair lying across the pillow and lying across his brotherââ¬â¢s body. Damon tore his eyes away. There was a medium-sized, slightly outdated computer on the desk in the corner. He went over to it and without the slightest hesitation turned it on. The two on the bed never stirred. Filesâ⬠¦aha.Diary. How original a name. Damon opened it and examined the contents. Dear Diary, I woke up this morning and ââ¬â marvel of marvels ââ¬â Iââ¬â¢mmeagain. I walk, talk, drink, wet the bed (well, I havenââ¬â¢t yet, but Iââ¬â¢m sure I could if I tried). Iââ¬â¢m back. Itââ¬â¢s been one hell of a journey. I died, dearest Diary, I really died. And then I died as a vampire. And donââ¬â¢t expect me to describe what happened either time ââ¬â believe me; you had to be there. The important thing is that I was gone, but now Iââ¬â¢m back again ââ¬â and, oh, dear patient friend who has been keeping my secrets since kindergartenâ⬠¦I am so glad to be back. On the debit side, I can never live with Aunt Judith or Margaret again. They think Iââ¬â¢m ââ¬Å"resting in peaceâ⬠with the angels. On the credit side, I can live with Stefan. This is the compensation for all Iââ¬â¢ve been through ââ¬â I donââ¬â¢t know how to compensate those who went to the very gates of Hell forme. Oh, Iââ¬â¢m tired and ââ¬â might as well say it ââ¬â eager for a night with my darling. Iââ¬â¢m very happy. We had a fine day, laughing and loving, and watching each of my friendsââ¬â¢ faces as they saw mealive! (And notinsane, which I gather is how I have been acting the past few days. Honestly, youââ¬â¢d think Great Spirits Inna Sky could have dropped me off with my marbles all in order. Oh, well.) Love ya, Elena Damonââ¬â¢s eyes skimmed over these lines impatiently. He was looking for something quite different. Ah. Yes. This was more like it: My dearest Elena, I knew you would look here sooner or later. You read "The Return: Nightfall Chapter 16" in category "Essay examples" I hope you never have to see it at all. If youââ¬â¢re reading this, then Damon is a traitor, or something else has gone terribly wrong. A traitor? That seemed a little strong, Damon thought, hurt, but also burning with an intense desire to get on with his task. Iââ¬â¢m going out to the woods to talk to him tonight ââ¬â if I donââ¬â¢t come back, youââ¬â¢ll know where to start asking questions. The truth is that I donââ¬â¢t exactly understand the situation. Earlier today, Damon sent me a card with a Web address on it. Iââ¬â¢ve put the card under your pillow, love. Oh damn, thought Damon. It was going to be hard to get that card without waking her. But he had to do it. Elena, follow this Web link. Youââ¬â¢ll have to dither with the brightness controls because itââ¬â¢s been created for vampire eyes only. What the link seems to be saying is that there is a place calledShi no Shi ââ¬â literally translated, it says, asthe Death of Death, where they can remove this curse which has haunted me for almost half a millennium. They use magic and science in combination to restore former vampires to simple men and women, boys and girls. If they truly can do this, Elena, we can be together for as long as ordinary people live. Thatââ¬â¢s all I ask of life. I want it. I want to have the chance to stand before you as an ordinary breathing, eating human. But donââ¬â¢t worry.Iââ¬â¢m just going to talk with Damon about this. You donââ¬â¢t need to command me to stay. I would never leave you with all the goings-on in Fellââ¬â¢s Church right now. Itââ¬â¢s too dangerous for you, especially with your new blood and your new aura. I realize that Iââ¬â¢m trusting Damon more than I probably should. But of one thing I am certain:he would never harm you.He loves you. How can he help it? Still, I have to meet with him at least, on his terms, alone at a particular location in the wood. Then weââ¬â¢ll see what we see. As I said before, if youââ¬â¢re reading this letter, it means that something has gone drastically wrong. Defend yourself, love. Donââ¬â¢t be afraid. Trust yourself. And trust your friends. They can all help you. I trust Mattââ¬â¢s instinctive protectiveness for you, Meredithââ¬â¢s judgment, and Bonnieââ¬â¢s intuition. Tell them to remember that. Iââ¬â¢m hoping that you never have to read this, with all my love, my heart, my soul, Stefan P.S. Just in case, there is $20,000 in hundred-dollar bills under the second floorboard from the wall, across from the bed. Right now the rocking chair is over it. Youââ¬â¢ll see the crack easily if you move the chair. Carefully, Damon deleted the words in this file. Then, with one corner of his mouth quirked up, he carefully, silently typed in new words with a rather different meaning. He read them over. He smiled brilliantly. Heââ¬â¢d always fancied himself a writer; no formal training of course, but he felt he had an instinctive flair for it. And that was Step One accomplished, Damon thought, saving the file with his words instead of Stefanââ¬â¢s. Then, noiselessly, he walked to where Elena was sleeping, spooned behind Stefan on the narrow bed. Now for Step Two. Slowly, very slowly, Damon slipped his fingers under the pillow on which Elenaââ¬â¢s head rested. He could feel Elenaââ¬â¢s hair where it spilled on her pillow in the moonlight, and the ache that it awoke was more in his chest than in his canines. Inching his fingers under the pillow, he searched for something smooth. Elena murmured in her sleep and suddenly turned over. Damon almost jumped back into the shadows, but Elenaââ¬â¢s eyes were shut, her lashes a thick inky crescent on her cheeks. She was facing him now, but strangely Damon didnââ¬â¢t find himself tracing the blue veins in her fair, smooth skin. He found himself staring hungrily at her slightly parted lips. They wereâ⬠¦almost impossible to resist. Even in sleep they were the color of rose petals, slightly moist, and parted that wayâ⬠¦. I could do it very lightly. She would never know. I could, I know I could. I feel invincible tonight. As he bent toward her his fingers touched cardboard. It seemed to jerk him out of a dream world. What had he been thinking? Risking everything, all his plans, for akiss ? There would be plenty of time for kisses ââ¬â and other, much more important things ââ¬â later. He slipped the little card out from under the pillow and put it in his pocket. Then he became a crow and vanished from the windowsill. Stefan had long ago perfected the art of sleeping only until a certain moment, then awakening. He did this now, glancing at the clock on the mantelpiece to confirm that it was fourA.M . exactly. He didnââ¬â¢t want to awaken Elena. He dressed soundlessly and exited the window by the same route his brother had ââ¬â only as a hawk. Somewhere, he was sure Damon was being made a fool by someone using malachs to make him their puppet. And Stefan, still pumped up with Elenaââ¬â¢s blood, felt that he had a duty to stop them. The note Damon had delivered had directed him to the tree where the humans had crashed. Damon would also want to continually revisit that tree until heââ¬â¢d traced the malach puppets to their puppeteer. He swooped, drifted, and once almost gave a mouse a heart attack by stooping down on it suddenly before rocketing skyward again. And then, in midair, as he saw evidence of a car hitting a tree, he changed from a glorious hawk to a young man with dark hair, a pale face, and intensely green eyes. He drifted, light as a snowflake, down to the ground and gazed in each direction, using all his vampire senses to test the area. He could feel nothing of a trap; no animosity, just the unmistakable signs of the treesââ¬â¢ violent fight. He stayed human to climb the tree that bore the psychic imprint of his brother. He wasnââ¬â¢t chilly as he climbed the oak his brother had been lounging in when the accident had taken place at his feet. He had too much of Elenaââ¬â¢s blood running through him to feel the cold. But he was aware that this area of the forest was particularly cold; that something was keeping it that way. Why? Heââ¬â¢d already claimed the rivers and forests that ran through Fellââ¬â¢s Church, so why take up lodging here without telling him? Whatever it was, it would have to present itself before him eventually, if it wanted to stay in Fellââ¬â¢s Church. Why wait? he wondered, as he squatted on the branch. He felt Damonââ¬â¢s presence coming at him long before his senses would have noticed it in the days before Elenaââ¬â¢s transformation, and he kept himself from flinching. Instead he turned with his back to the trunk of the tree and looked outward. He could feel Damon speeding toward him, faster and faster, stronger and stronger ââ¬â and then Damon should have been there, standing before him, but he wasnââ¬â¢t. Stefan frowned. ââ¬Å"It always pays to look up, little brother,â⬠advised a charming voice above him, and then Damon, who had been clinging to the tree like a lizard, did a forward flip and landed on Stefanââ¬â¢s branch. Stefan said nothing, merely examining his older brother. At last he said, ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re in good spirits.â⬠ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ve had a sumptuous day,â⬠Damon said. ââ¬Å"Shall I name them off to you? There was the greeting-card shop girlâ⬠¦Elizabeth, and my dear friend Damaris, whose husband works in Bronston, and little young Teresa who volunteers at the library, andâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Stefan sighed. ââ¬Å"Sometimes I think you could remember the name of every girl youââ¬â¢ve bled in your life, but you forget my name on a regular basis,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"Nonsenseâ⬠¦little brother. Now, since Elena has undoubtedly explained to you just what happened when I tried to rescue your miniature witch ââ¬â Bonnie ââ¬â I feel Iââ¬â¢m due an apology.â⬠ââ¬Å"And sinceyou sent me a note that I can only construe as provocative, I really feelIââ¬â¢m due an explanation.â⬠ââ¬Å"Apology first,â⬠Damon rapped out. And then, in long-suffering tones, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m sure you think itââ¬â¢s bad enough, having promised Elena when she was dying that you would look after me ââ¬â forever. But you never seem to realize that I had to promise the same thing, and Iââ¬â¢m not exactly the caretaking type. Now that sheââ¬â¢s not dead anymore, maybe we should just forget it.â⬠Stefan sighed again. ââ¬Å"All right, all right. I apologize. I was wrong. I shouldnââ¬â¢t have thrown you out. Is that enough?â⬠ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m not sure you really mean it. Try it once more, with feel ââ¬â ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Damon, what in Godââ¬â¢s name was the website about?â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh. I thought it was rather clever: they got the colors so close that only vampires or witches or such could read it, whereas humans would just see a blank screen.â⬠ââ¬Å"But how did you find out about it?â⬠ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll tell you in a moment. But just think of it, little brother. You and Elena, on the perfect little honeymoon, just two more humans in a world of humans. The sooner you go, the sooner you can sing ;;Ding Dong, the Corpse Is Deadââ¬â¢!â⬠ââ¬Å"I still want to know how youjust happened to come across this website.â⬠ââ¬Å"All right. I admit it: Iââ¬â¢ve been suckered into the age of technology at last. I have my own website. And a very helpful young man contacted me just to see whether I really meant the things I said on it or if I was just a frustrated idealist. I figured that description fit you.â⬠ââ¬Å"You ââ¬â a website? I donââ¬â¢t believe ââ¬â ââ¬Å" Damon ignored him. ââ¬Å"I passed the message along because Iââ¬â¢d already heard of the place, theShi no Shi .â⬠ââ¬Å"TheDeath of Death , it said.â⬠ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s how it was translated to me.â⬠Damon turned a thousand-kilowatt smile on Stefan, boring into him, until finally Stefan turned away, feeling as if heââ¬â¢d been exposed to the sun without his lapis ring. ââ¬Å"As a matter of fact,â⬠Damon went on chattily, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ve invited the fellow himself to come and to explain it to you.â⬠ââ¬Å"You didwhich ?â⬠ââ¬Å"He should be here at 4:44 exactly. Donââ¬â¢t blame me for the timing; itââ¬â¢s something special to him.â⬠And then with very little fuss, and certainly no Power at all that Stefan could discern, something landed in the tree above them and dropped down to their branch, changing as it did. It was, indeed, a young man, with fire-tipped black hair and serene golden eyes. As Stefan swung toward him, he held up both hands in a gesture of helplessness and surrender. ââ¬Å"Who the hell are you?â⬠ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m the hell Shinichi,â⬠the young man said easily. ââ¬Å"But, as I told your brother, most people call me just Shinichi. Of course, itââ¬â¢s up to you.â⬠ââ¬Å"And you know all about the Shi no Shi.â⬠ââ¬Å"Nobody knows all about it. Itââ¬â¢s a place ââ¬â and an organization. Iââ¬â¢m a little partial to it becauseâ⬠ââ¬â Shinichi looked shy ââ¬â ââ¬Å"well, I guess I just like to help people.â⬠ââ¬Å"And now you want to help me.â⬠ââ¬Å"If you truly want to become humanâ⬠¦I know a way.â⬠ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll just leave the two of you to talk about it, shall I?â⬠said Damon. ââ¬Å"Threeââ¬â¢s a crowd, especially on this branch.â⬠Stefan looked at him sharply. ââ¬Å"If you have any slightest thought of stopping by the boardinghouseâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"With Damaris already waiting for me? Honestly, little brother.â⬠And Damon changed to crow form before Stefan could ask him to give his sworn word. Elena turned over in bed, reaching automatically for a warm body next to her. What her fingers found, however, was a cool, Stefan-shaped hollow. Her eyes opened. ââ¬Å"Stefan?â⬠The darling. They were so in tune that it was like being one person ââ¬â he always knew when she was about to wake up. Heââ¬â¢d probably gone down to get her breakfast ââ¬â Mrs. Flowers always had it steaming hot for him when he went down (further proof that she was a witch of the white variety) ââ¬â and Stefan brought up the tray. ââ¬Å"Elena,â⬠she said, testing her old-new voice just to hear herself talk. ââ¬Å"Elena Gilbert, girl, you have had too many breakfasts in bed.â⬠She patted her stomach. Yes, definitely in need of exercise. ââ¬Å"All right, then,â⬠she said, still aloud. ââ¬Å"Start with limbering up and breathing. Then some mild stretching.â⬠All of which, she thought, could be put aside when Stefan showed up. But Stefan didnââ¬â¢t show up, even when she lay exhausted from a full hourââ¬â¢s routine. And he wasnââ¬â¢t coming up the stairs, bringing up a cup of tea, either. Where was he? Elena looked out their one-view window and caught a glimpse of Mrs. Flowers below. Elenaââ¬â¢s heart had begun beating hard during her aerobic exercise and had never really slowed down properly. Though it was likely impossible to start a conversation with Mrs. Flowers this way she shouted down, ââ¬Å"Mrs. Flowers?â⬠And, wonder of wonders, the lady stopped pinning a sheet on the clothesline and looked up. ââ¬Å"Yes, Elena dear?â⬠ââ¬Å"Whereââ¬â¢s Stefan?â⬠The sheet billowed around Mrs. Flowers and made her disappear. When the billow straightened out, she was gone. But Elena had her eyes on the laundry basket. It was still there. She shouted, ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t go away!â⬠and hastened to put on jeans and her new blue top. Then, hopping down the stairs as she buttoned, she burst out into the back garden. ââ¬Å"Mrs. Flowers!â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes, Elena dear?â⬠Elena could just see her between billowing yards of white fabric. ââ¬Å"Have you seen Stefan?â⬠ââ¬Å"Not this morning, dear.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not atall ?â⬠ââ¬Å"I get up with the dawn, regular. His car was gone then, and it hasnââ¬â¢t come back.â⬠Now Elenaââ¬â¢s heart was pounding in good earnest. Sheââ¬â¢d always been afraid of something like this. She took one deep breath and ran back up the staircase without pausing. Note, noteâ⬠¦ Heââ¬â¢d never leave her without a note. And there was no note on his pillow. Then she thought ofher pillow. Her hands scrabbled frantically under it, and then under his pillow. At first she didnââ¬â¢t turn the pillows over, because she wanted so badly for the note to be there ââ¬â and because she was so afraid of what it might say. At last, when it was clear that there was nothing under those pillows but the bed sheet, she flipped them and stared at the empty white blankness for a long time. Then she pulled the bed away from the wall, in case the note had fallen down behind it. Somehow she felt that if she just kept looking, she must find it. In the end sheââ¬â¢d shaken out all the bedding and ended up staring at the white sheets again, accusingly, ever so often running her hands over them. And that ought to be good, because it meant Stefan hadnââ¬â¢tgone somewhere ââ¬â except that sheââ¬â¢d left the closet door open and she could see, without even meaning to, a bunch of empty hangers. Heââ¬â¢d taken all his clothes. And emptiness on the bottom of the closet. Heââ¬â¢d taken every pair of shoes. Not that he had ever owned much. But everything that he needed to make a trip away was gone ââ¬â and he was gone. Why? Where? Howcould he? Even if it turned out that heââ¬â¢d left in order to scout them out a new place to live, howcould he? Heââ¬â¢d get the fight of his life when he came back ââ¬â ââ¬â if he came back. Chilled to the bone, aware that tears were running unmeant and almost unnoticed down her cheeks, she was about to call up Meredith and Bonnie when she thought of something. Her diary. How to cite The Return: Nightfall Chapter 16, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Social Research Australian Bureau of Statics
Question: Discuss about the Social Research for Australian Bureau of Statics. Answer: According to Australian Bureau of Statics,'as prisons. There are some factors of imprisonment which includes misuse of alcohol, a disadvantage of socio-economic and exposure of childhood to violence and abuse. These factors are influencing the country very much because of imprisonment system in Australia. The National rate of imprisonment isBurns and Kimber 2014). With the help of this offense, the proportion of prisoners has ranged from 17% which is around 1050 prisoners in Victoria whereas 47% in the northern territory. Noori and Rahimzadeh 2015). s calculation is about 92% (33,256) of all prisoners whereas women were found to be only 8% (2,876) of prisoners in indigenous Australia (Farzadfar and Hariga 2015). Figure 1: Imprisonment rate in Australia Source: ( According to todays era of 21stng this issue and living in prisons in Australia. Children are also not safe because of indigenousness and imprisonment issueswith prior imprisonment is located in the Australian Capital Territory which is around 75% or 296 prisoners (Fetherston2013). In Northern Territory around 72% or 1,153 prisoners are located. In the South Australia, the rate of prior imprisonment is around 49% from the country. Australian Bureau of Statics indicates that the accounts of indigenous Australian are around 25% of its total population. The government of Australia and temporary group of indigenous has responded this imprisonment by some various measures and program. aboriginal people of Australia ( Imprisonment of indigenous Australia is the major issue which affects the whole country of Australia. Most of the people are living in the prison because they are not non-indigenous in nature. indigenous people in Australia (Wilson and Sindicich 2013). 'Australian Bureau of Statics. In 30th Jun 2014, 33,791 adult people were in prison, and it was 10% more than from the year 2013. In December 2014, the number of prisoners as daily basis had increased to 34,647 in Australia in which men and women both were in custody. Some prisoners are treated as intended to cause injury which is the primary influence of the imprisonment of indigenous Australian. Gender prisonment in Australia (Clough 2016). The number of prisoners is increasing every year in the urban region of Australia because they are involved in such above challencan be dealt with on the spot fines. From the year 2000 to 2010, of Australia. In comparison to the non-indigenous prisoners, indigenous prisoners are 13 times more likely to go to prisons (Sar 2014). In the year 1991, Royal Commission is the aboriginal death which is in custody and exclaimed the first severe effort to report the criticalo reformat the sentenced level (Payer and Taylor 2015). Similarly, theet Australia (Barnes 2015). who make up around 2.2% population of the Australian women but around 34% of women in prisoners. As the indigenous women imprisonment rate has increased by 73.7%, most of the women are also in custody. There are various limitations of this strategic effect in Australia. Most of the indigenous people are involved in imprisonment. For this, they are unable to take any employment benefits and source of work if any available in Australia (Taylor 2016). Some youth people are also involved as the prisoners, and some of them are sexually assaulted. They are in the prisons because of doing their illegal work like smuggling, drugs and much more. The number of prisoners of these types of people is increasing continuously because they are doing illegal workand most of the children are aware of this indigenous imprisonment (Sudbury 2014). The Australian Bureau of Statics (Whiteford 2014). In the Northern Territory, most of the young and women are in custody because of their illegal works. They do this because they cannot meet their day-to-day requirement of life. The poverty line is not sufficient in some region of Australia. For this, some women and youths do illegal work to earn some money and to fulfill daily requirement. For this reason, after catching by the officer, they are in prison. The government has to develop some source of income for the people of the urban region because n region of Australia in Australia (Territory 2012). From the above discussion it has been concluded that the number of prisoners is increasing consistently because of the poverty line and unemployment issue in some region of Australia. ple of the urban region in Australia (Maginn 2012). References Degenhardt, L., Larney, S., Gusev, N., Trevena, J., Burns, L., Kimber, J., Shanahan, M., Butler, T., Mattick, R.P. and Weatherburn, D., 2014. Imprisonment of opioid?dependent people in New South Wales, Australia, 20002012: a retrospective linkage study.Australian and New Zealand journal of public health,38(2), pp.165-170. Dolan, K., Moazen, B., Noori, A., Rahimzadeh, S., Farzadfar, F. and Hariga, F., 2015. People who inject drugs in prison: HIV prevalence, transmission and prevention.International Journal of Drug Policy,26, pp.S12-S15. Fetherston, J., Carruthers, S., Butler, T., Wilson, D. and Sindicich, N., 2013. Rates of injection in prison in a sample of Australian-injecting drug users.Journal of Substance Use,18(1), pp.65-73. Honorato, B., Caltabiano, N. and Clough, A.R., 2016. From trauma to incarceration: exploring the trajectory in a qualitative study in male prison inmates from north Queensland, Australia.Health justice,4(1), pp.1-10. Middleton, W., Stavropoulos, P., Dorahy, M.J., Krger, C., Lewis-Fernndez, R., Martnez-Taboas, A., Sar, V. and Brand, B., 2014. The Australian Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry,48(1), pp.17-21. Payer, H., Taylor, A. and Barnes, T., 2015. Whos Missing? Demographic Impacts from the Incarceration of Indigenous People in the Northern Territory, Australia.CRIME, JUSTICE AND SOCIAL DEMOCRACY: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD, p.27. Sudbury, J., 2014.Global lockdown: Race, gender, and the prison-industrial complex. Routledge. Taylor, A., 2016. Not Just Ageing: Policy and Service Delivery Implications from Changing Population Compositions in the Northern Territory of Australia. InDemography for Planning and Policy: Australian Case Studies(pp. 91-107). Springer International Publishing. Territory, A.C., 2012. Harm minimisation in Australian prisonshealth protection still depends on where you serve your time.The Medical journal of Australia,197(7), pp.1-1. Thompson, S. and Maginn, P., 2012.Planning Australia: an overview of urban and regional planning. Cambridge University Press. Whiteford, P., 2014. chapter 3 AUSTRALIA: INEQUALITY AND PROSPERITY AND THEIR IMPACTS IN A RADICAL WELFARE STATE.Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences, p.48. Whitley, T.G., 2015. Permeability and persistence of physical and social boundaries in the context of incarceration in nineteenth century Western Australia.Archaeology in Oceania,50(3), pp.123-129.
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