Friday, May 31, 2019
Decreasing Class Size Enhances the Performance in Elementary School Stu
Decreasing Class Size Enhances the Performance in Elementary naturalise Students Decreasing signifier size enhances the performance in elementary school students. In the studies that SAGE has done, their students appeared to have a significant achievement advantage in all areas (Study confirms, 2001). By the end of third grade, students in smaller gradationes seem to read more effectively and independently (Class Size Reduction, 2001). The advantages of smaller classes are too shown between races and social backgrounds. Tennessees 1970 test revealed that poor and African-American students had the greatest gains in smaller classes. Especially after kindergarten, the gains were usually two times that of whites (Class Size, 2001). not only do the students and the school benefit from smaller classes, but also so does the entire state. After being in a minify class of twenty dollar bill students for three years, Californias research showed that test scores were better than tho se before the classes were reduced (Viadero, 2001). For the 1996-97 school-year the Walnut Creek, CA school district, reduced its kindergarten classes to twenty students and to a maximum of twenty students in grades one through three. The following is a chart that shows the improvements of the kindergarten students from the first year of being in a reduced classroom. Skills % MasteredJune 1996 % MasteredJune 1997 Read a Picture Book (with a few repetitive words) 25 43 Identifies Letter Names 74 79 Concepts about Print (how to hold a book) 79 94 Letter Sounds (25-26) unknown 51 Can Read 15-20 words by sight 28 62 Hear and Record 10-14 sounds in words 56 73 (Class Size Reduction, nd). (... ...eek on the Web. Retrieved October9,2001 from http// growing case for smaller classes (May/June 2001). American Teacher, 85(8), 2. Retrieved September 30, 2001 from OCLC First Search/Wilson Select.Huston, Deborah & Ogaw a, Rodney T. (1999). Californias class reduction initiative Differences in teacher experience and qualifications across schools. Educational Policy, 13 (5), p. 659. Retrieved declination 3, 2001 from Academic Search Premier/EBSCOhost database.Study confirms value of small class size (March 2001). American Teacher, 85(6), 2. Retrieved September 30, 2001 from OCLC First Search/Wilson Select.Zahorik, John A. (September 1999). Reducing class size leads to individual instruction. Educational Leadership, 57(1), 50-3. Retrieved September 30, 2001 from OCLC First Search/Wilson Select.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Trial of Jesus Essay -- Religion, Christianity
In The Judaeo-Christian Tradition by Jack H. Hexter, the trial of the Nazarene is addressed in an unorthodox perspective. The trial of the Nazarene incorporates two trials the popish trial and the Jewish trial. In Hexters book the Roman trial is addressed in great length while the Jewish trial is almost unaddressed. Hexter provides a perspective of the trial of Jesus with only one cause the charge of sedition, for claiming to be king of the Jews. By using the four gospel texts, Hexters view is illuminated and we find crucial aspects to the trial that not only counter Hexters view on the sedition charge but also provide evidence for different important charges. Themes other than the charge of sedition supporting Hexters perspective include, the blasphemy charge addressed in the Jewish trial, along with Jesus holy new state and Pontius Pilates innocent role throughout the trial. Christianity having sprung from Judaism is a crucial fact when concerning the beginning of Christianit y and the threat that it posed to the Jewish community. According to Hexter, the conquest of classical civilization by Christianity is one of the wonders of history. ( Hexter 50) Hexters interpretation of the trial of Jesus begins with the charge of sedition. ...charges with sedition for claiming to be king of the Jews, a claim he refused to disavow, Jesus was condemned to death that Rome inflicted on criminals. He was nailed to a cross and left there until he died... (Hexter 63) It is apparent that there is evidence for the claim of sedition such as the power Jesus held when acting out miracles to the public and also the act of Jesus neither declaring or refuting the title of King of the Jews. However, Hexter uses only the sedition charge for the condemnati... ...eir hands unclean in the matter.In the trial of Jesus, Hexter addressed the sedition claim for being the sole reason that Jesus had hung on the stake to die. However, evidence in the iv Gospel texts illuminate other rea sons along with the sedition claim, that had effected the verdict that Pilate had ultimately delivered. Because of the huge threat Jesus had posed to the Jewish community, and Jesus claim for a holy new kingdom that was not secular, Pilate was forced to please the people of his city and reluctantly delivered the verdict to crucify Jesus in order to limit civility in his city. Jesus was formally charged on the account for claiming to be King of the Jews but died for more than just a secular cause. Jesus was preaching a new universal criterion of truth, that many of his followers believed in and many people around the world still believe in today.
Point of View in Bartleby, the Scrivener Essay -- Herman Melville
Point of View is incorporated in to stories to show the readers how the story is told. It includes describing the position and somebody in the story. Position is how far the narrator is from everything that is going on in the story. Person is way the narrator shows the voice and their attitude. There are four distinct parts that make up the Point of View. These four parts include Third-Person Omniscient, Third Person Limited Omniscient, First Person, and the Objective. Third-Person Omniscient is when the author of the story, tells the story as a narrator. They know , speak, and are able to follow every character in the story. Third-Person Limited Omniscient means that the narrator only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character in the story. The author is still the narrator. First Person is when the author chooses one character to tell the story. You pass on often see the words, I, and me, through out. The narrator will most likely be in the middle of the action, or telling the story from a past perspective. Lastly, the objective is how the author gets the point across without interpreting the characters feelings. According to our textbook, E-Fictions, it is similar to looking at a story as if the audience were watching it through a camera lens. Herman Melville uses a first person point of view to show the narrators first hand fascination with his employee Bartleby, as well as Bartlebys unusual behavior and insubordination. The lawyer hires Bartleby as his scrivener. He is awestruck because Bartleby is so quick and efficient. He asks Bartleby to help him examine papers and Bartleby replies, I would prefer not to. Bartlebys reply surprised the lawyer. The lawyer repeated himself. ... ... these letters speed to death. Ah, Bartleby Ah, humanityUsing first person point of view in this story was a good way to show the readers first hand how the lawyer felt. I dont think the author could have used any otherwise point of view to explain to the reader how the lawyer felt about Bartleby. If he had used third-person omniscient, it would have pulled away from the narrator, and focused on all of the characters more. If he would have used third-person limited omniscient, we would not have gotten how the other characters in the story felt about Bartleby. Objective would not have worked either, because he wouldnt really get to see what was going on in the lawyers head.In conclusion, point of view is very pertinent to telling the story. It is how the story is told, and who the story is told by. tout ensemble of these factors go in to point of view.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Gay Marriage and Hawaii Sovereignty :: Politics Political Gays Hawaii Essays
Lesbian/gay work sits on a lily pad. The lily pad is the foundation, the Kanaka Maoli struggle the beautiful pink flower is the lesbian/gay work. Kuumeaaloha Gomes (1)Its a big industry, the exotification of how-do-you-do and its people, making it into every white mans paradise. Its nice now that we have ownership of our own stories.Lois-Ann Yamanaka (2)Hawaii is reach. To arrive in Hawaii is to follow all of history, one group at a time. To the Kanaka Maoli, the people who first traveled in ancient clock across the ocean in canoes and small boats from Polynesia, Hawaii was the promised repose. It was the end of their pilgrimage, the land of powerful spirits and gods in need of worship. The Kanaka Maoli developed a complex union around this new land and these new spirits a free society built around peace, love, and worship of ones homeland. This way of look flourished for thousands of years, until the arrival of Christian missionaries in the 18th and 19th centuries decl ared their freedom evil, their nakedness vile, and their gods false. Christianity flooded the shores of the islands, pulling with it white entrepreneurs, who set up massive farms and plantations to stick advantage of Hawaiis unique agriculture, and Japanese workers for those plantations, with whom Christianity gained its strongest base in the islands. Then came the political opportunists, who in less than one century pulled the Hawaiian monarchy up to its highest levels of Western pomp and circumstance, only to tear it down again with the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 with help from the United States Government (who later annexed the island chain). Next came the arrival of the expatriates the tourists the haoles (whites) who saw Hawaii as nothing more than a tropical novelty or an escape from their stress-filled lives back on the mainland. Statehood came quickly in 1959, as did immigrants from the Phillipines and Korea. I came in 1995, with my haole military family, to a land that would become my adopted home the way it had for so many others. I found a land carved up like a puzzle each person, each culture, each idea holding onto their piece with the will of God or gods. Today, there are many Hawaiis. Depending on where you go, you can witness the poor, the rich, the privileged, the oppressed, the loud, the silent, the passive, and the active.
The Persistance of Immigrants in Charles Bowdens Blue :: essays research papers
For many, our goal is to have-to doe with the American Dream a good job, a home we can call our own, and wealth. However, at that place are others who only dream of it because they are stuck in a hole that restricts them from reaching it. Charles Bowden, author of Blue, takes readers on a journal across the scourge to get a better understanding on why people from Mexico risk their lives to cross to the United States. He provides detailed images and descriptions of Mexicans that have lost their lives difficult to cross the surrender. Along with his friend Bill, they travel across the desert and encounter danger with snakes, the effect of extreme weather conditions, and experiences thirst, hunger, and fatigue.In the beginning, Bowden was sitting at his desk in September when a news story caught his eye seven Mexicans had died of thirst east of Yuma and several more had been snake bitten (Bowden). To his dismay, the incidents were not treated as principal(prenominal) matters because they were from Mexico. What captives the author is that Mexicans are willing to risk their own lives to cross over to the United States. In trying to understand this notion, he begins an expedition through the desert and follows the paths Mexicans traveled and the situations they encountered. As their journey begins, they come in contact with a snake but manage to escape death. Soon after, they begin to experience the effects of harsh weather conditions. With heat the body temperature soars and the brain seems to cook. The flesh feels electric with pain as each cell screams out its complaint (Bowden). They finally reach the Republic of Mexico illegally where they meet up with an officer. Unlike American officers, Mexican officers have a reputation of bending laws and instead of ticketing people, they often ask for money. outcome their journey, they have learned more of what it feels to be a Mexican traveling the desert. Bowden has also decided to write this story about his experiences to give readers an insight on what happens to people who are willing to risk their lives to live the American Dream.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Manhattan Project :: essays research papers
The Manhattan ProjectNuclear research all started when the Japanese flunked Pearl Harbor, and the United States entered into World warfare II. When the United States realized that Germany attempted to build an atomic bomb, Americans began to concentrate on their research about creating an atomic bomb more heavily. President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Manhattan Project, which included a group of top scientists, under General Leslie R. Groves, who worked around the clock to try to develop an atomic bomb within three years (Bondi 493). The Americans and the British have their efforts to research the development of the bomb and created plants and factories to work in (The Atomic Bomb 257). They created plants for three separate processes electromagnetic, gaseous diffusion, and thermal diffusion. These plants helped create the plutonium and uracil 235 indispens fit to manufacture the atomic bomb (Gerdes 142). The secrecy of the Manhattan Project was essential in order to devel op the atomic bombs to end World War II.The United States and prominent Britain kept the development of the atomic bomb a secret (Bondi 493). In order to keep the secret, Groves spread the work out between laboratories so that the tidy sum working on the bomb could not figure out they were manufacturing. The members of the Manhattan Project asked the scientists questions about the bomb, and they gave answers back, but they did not know what the responses were for. The project consisted of so many restrictions for the employees in order to keep the secrecy of the project. They could not hold private conversations about the material they were working on because after awhile, people might have been able to put it together and determine that they were creating a bomb. Employees worked on tasks that had nothing to do with what the others around them were doing. Even the officials on the War Production Board remained unaware of the bomb (The Atomic Bomb 258). As with everything, problem s occurred during the development process. The plutonium needed for the bombs was only in microscopic sizes, which was very difficult to handle. Plutoniums properties were unknown, and scientists knew very fiddling about uranium 235. The plants needed to be run by machinery because the materials were radioactive, poisonous, violently corrosive, or all three (Gerdes 143). After scientists studied and became familiar with plutonium and uranium 235, they were able to begin the manufacturing process (Gerdes 91).
Monday, May 27, 2019
Online enhance corrective feedback for ESL learners
The purpose of the seek is to look into the value of online enhanced disciplinary feedback for non-native talkers of slope. It is analyzing in three countries which are the tint of their interaction online, their perceptual experiences and the rivals encountered. The inquiry is done as when the research worker found that m each foreign pupils in many western universities holding misfortunate linguistic parley accomplishments and experient civilization daze. Due to this job, they do non cognize what is appropriate and what is non. Hence, this probe on the value of online enhanced disciplinary feedback ( OECF ) is to develop their linguistic communication accomplishments and bring out them to socialise irrefutablely with the hosting pupils plot of ground prosecuting their academic classs.The research worker used qualitative and quantitative tools to garner informations in his survey. The Conversation Analysis and end-project translate as the 2 chief instruments used both for NNSs and NSs. Conversation Analysis takes into history of the three facets of interaction in order to keep the quality discourse. in that location are ( 1 ) inductions of subjects, ( 2 ) petitions for elucidation and ( 3 ) elaborated replies to inquiries. To prolong the linguistic communication consciousness, the analysis included self-correction, blessings as preferable responses and incorporations of the corrected human body or significance. The information collected was from hebdomad one to hebdomad eight. As for the end-project study, the research worker wants to cognize the penetrations on the value of OECF from both NNSs and NSs positions. By getting the topics to interact, the research worker was selected MSN courier for on-line synergistic tools as it is practical to the users. However, participants were reminded non to utilize their private electronic mails for this pioneer. Due to this, participants were given an option to open innovative histories on hotmail and tri p new MSN courier.The participants were the international pupils from the Language Centre of the University of Dundee. They were 10 pupils from diverse background seven Chinese, one Italian, and two Indians. They were in-between stripling with comminuted contact with NSs of side and had no friends as NSs to socialise with. Whereas, for the tutoring group or NS comprised of six pupils from the pupil community of the University of Dundee and four were from the university staff members. Most of the coachs were from Scotland and merely two came from the non English speech production backgrounds, nevertheless harmonizing to their bio-data that they possessed a good bid of English and escorting good of the British civilization.The processs are used by the research worker is the equal tutoring technique in which coachs are matched with NNSs. Both are interacting utilizing the online MSN courier in turn-taking. They are showing their thoughts and positions like inquiring inquiry, supple ment information and so on as though they are prosecuting in speaking but in other manner they are pass along oning by typing the message online. In a conversation analysis, participants are identified for their linguistic communication consciousness such as middlemans are acquiring feedback for their grammatic and semantic inaccuracies. Furthermore, in this article, OECF is adopted few schemes from negotiated significance when a societal interaction emphasized negotiated significance in a cognitive procedure ( Long, 1996 ) . NNSs gain the attempt to self-correct if they are acknowledging any mistakes during the communicating. These feedbacks could help them in their academic accomplishments. NNSs would be able to pattern their English of no fright to be embarrassed when there are errors because they are non talking to the NS straight but by typing the messages. For the end-project study, the research worker developed study in a signifier of questionnaire with a five point Likert graduated table runing from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree to mensurate NNSs & A acirc and NSs positions and attitudes. In the inquiry, they will bespeak their degree of ecstasy by ranking it from 1 to 5 in which 5 is the highest mark.The analysis is considered in the eight-week intercession. In the survey of quality designation, it showed that conversation was non universe monopolized by the NS when NNSs were loaning every bit much as their coach equals whereby they were given clip to gestate, explicate and type their messages. NNSs were able to alter the flow of their on-line conversation by originating subjects and asked for elucidation if there was any misinterpretation occurred. However, it besides indicated that NNSs were effortless to take enterprises in altering subjects and inquiring inquiries due to their deficiency of assurance in pass oning in English, hence they anticipated the coachs to make most of altering subjects. Following, in linguistic communicatio n consciousness survey, consequences indicated that NNSs had clip to read, reflect, memorise and spread out their English linguistic communication cognition repertory. NNSs were able to read their NS coachs & A acirc posters, infusion, generate, exchange and construct significance from the reliable environment. Finally, the consequences from the end-of-semester studies showed that both NSs and NNSs had a positive experience while engaged in this undertaking. NNSs feedback on this undertaking had offered them a socially and linguistically rich environment to pattern the mark linguistic communication. Harmonizing to NNSs, the text-based communicating provided a positive impact in bettering both their authorship and reading accomplishments and besides on their speech production accomplishments. They perceived those as an effectual manner non merely to thumb thoughts and to inquire for and clear up information but besides to show and back up their points of position. Indeed, their e rrors were noticed and they were able to be self-corrected.Part CWith view to the IT demands in this century, the research does involvement me. However, there are pros and cons to be considered to transport out this survey. Talking about the benefits from this survey, it is appropriate method for cut downing disquiet in pupils larning English. NNSs particularly will non experience shy or embarrass if they make errors in organizing the syntactical sentences when they are non interact face to face with the NSs.Harmonizing to the findings, it was a positive feedback from NNSs on this research undertaking. They said that it gave a good deduction in their English acquisition and bettering both their authorship and reading accomplishments so as their speech production accomplishments. However, based from my sentiment the research did non good conducted. The first ground is, by looking from the facets of experimental cogency, the findings were non valid. This is reported in this article that during the undertaking has started, there were participants drop out from the undertaking and go forthing merely five braces to go on. The consequences from the findings were merely based from the five braces or else of 10 braces. The trying drawing was uneffective to obtain the satisfaction analysis on this survey. Second, the research worker indicated that he is utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods in his research survey. Hence, the survey should follow with two groups.1 group which is called the experimental group is given a intervention and 1 group which is called the control group does non have any intervention. Then, the consequences of the findings can be acceptable of whether the OECF truly run into it objectives. Third, the research worker should briefs the purposed lineation of the survey in order to acquire the good engagement from the participants. The research worker should aware of the different backgrounds of the NNSs participants to be matched wi th NSs coachs. I suggested that age is to see for choosing the NSs because harmonizing to the articles, there were four NS in their mid-twentiess and one in his late teens. Possibly, the research worker should see on the adulthood because I believe when younger NSs involves with the NNSs troubles in novice a conversation, therefore NSs will be easy acquire bored and they have the inclination of originating subjects that are more relevant to their age. Hence, the conversation failed to discourse efficaciously when NNSs will take a long clip to believe about the thoughts that they need to convey out. Harmonizing to the activities presented in the research article, I think the activities should be enriched with more reliable subjects, produce more light readings to the NNSs which related to the accepted issues and reading transitions that could arouse NNSs feedback immediately without hold. In add-on, to obtain more concise consequences, the period of survey analysis shall be extended to hebdomad 12 alternatively of hebdomad 8 hence legion activities could be planned.In general this research provides an chance for the higher instruction pupils to heighten their communicating accomplishments particularly in composing and talking. Beforehand, the research worker should clearly find his/her aims and what kind of research method that is applicable and appropriate for the survey. Often, we found that even though pupils had learnt English during a school clip but they were still confronting jobs to get the linguistic communication eloquence and truth. Therefore, this research undertaking is seen as the appropriate exercisings for pupils to modify their defects in English linguistic communication when they are able to show their thoughts and giving their ideas from the activities designed. They are affecting in two ways communicating in which their errors are being corrected by the experts or so called the coachs.On the manus of Malayan contexts, in order to implement this activities, the instructor shall look closely on the pupil involvements whereby the subjects to be discussed must be reliable, short and simple but is able to dispute their positions and able to promote them to do remarks. As a consequence, they learn more, understand the grammatical class in the sentences and larn new vocabulary each clip. Learning English should be merriment.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Demonstrative communications
Demonstrative converses occurs when someone uses ways to communicate other than their voice. This is done by facial expressions, material structure language, eye contact, or gestures. When someone discusses communication the first thought is generally speaking or verbal communication. What people say without words can be more informative than the words they speak. When a person speaks him or her says more with nonverbal communication than they are even aware of, such as with streng wherefore and hand gestures, head positions, and facial expressions as well s with body language (Non-verbal communication says a-lot, 2010).Effective communication is a reciprocal process that includes perceive. Successful listening requires eye contact, objective processing and feedback to the speaker. Active listening may involve asking clarifying questions or restating what was heard to assure that the intent of the gist direct was correctly received. Active listening becomes particularly import ant when the communication includes emotional content. An individuals body language is the most important factor in how a gist is received.It would non matter what an individual may intend to say with words, because it involves communicating not with words, but with facial expressions, gestures, eye-contact, and posture. Body language that is consistent with the verbal message improves understanding. Body language that is inconsistent with the verbal message creates a question in the mind of the listener about the real message. For example, someone may be saying, l really want to hear your opinion on this. However if the person is looking away, has his arms folded or is typing a text essage at the same time, his body language communicates an entirely different message. Effective communication requires that content and body language give the same message. The benefit of using nonverbal communication is that by watching and listening for signals, it can be easy to interpret the mood , actions, and reactions of other people.Nonverbal communication can help determine if someone is lying, heavy the truth, under stress, or being sincere. A person can also use nonverbal communication to communicate with others if using words is too operose or if he or he needs to communicate in a crowded or noisy room. If one individual is doing more lecture than listening or more listening than talking, they are communicating ineffectively. To become more effective, it needs to be a two-way street for the vector and the receiver.The sender needs to double check with the receiver that the message is clear and understandable, while the receiver should confirm clarity by asking questions about the information that is not clear to them or who has not fully comprehended the information. The disadvantages of trying to interpret nonverbal ommunication are that there may be cultural differences or physical conditions that can contribute to misinterpreting someones body language or tone or pitch of voice.Another disadvantage to nonverbal communication is that it is as easy to read reactions as it is to be read by others. Anyone who pays attention to the nonverbal communication signals can have an advantage. In most cases a person may want others to visualise his or her actions and reactions to show they are being honest in a situation, in other cases he or she may not want others to be able to determine their houghts or emotions (Powell, 2011).In conclusion, verbal and written communication skills are important to learn, although much can also be learned from the demonstrative communication used by others. Sometimes the body language, facial expressions and the tone of voice a person uses can tell you more about a persons thoughts and emotions than then the words they use, and in some cases these signals can be a more accurate indicator. The benefits of effective communication will help businesses and people succeed.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Jack Daniels
Jack Daniels Case Analysis I. Identify Symptoms 1. Jack daniel traditionally gave the slop for free for decades, then established a price of $2 per thousand gallons, and then raised to $4. Because of the low prices and availability of the feed, farmers began to expand their business. Water was being polluted by the unornamented amount of cattle being raised. 2. Jack Daniel informed farmers it would stop delivery until proper environmental improvements are made. However, there was no formal written squelch stating Jack Daniel will continue delivering the slop. . A low demand of whisky occurred, because consumers turned to lighter beverages. This resulted in Jack Daniels dry house regularity which disposes of thickset slop.4. Layoffs were made in Jack Daniel. 5. Angry employees may form a union 6. Farmers were angry, having no slop to feed their cattle. 7. The farmers moved the feedlots and improved the environmental conditions. Farmers state that Jack Daniel covenantd them slop if they fixed the water pollution problem. 8. Jack Daniel denies making such promise. II. Root Cause . There is no written signal between the farmers and Jack Daniel stating the terms and commitments they stick for each other, such as, Jack Daniel providing the thick slop for the farmers for affordable prices, and the farmers preserving the environment. III. Stating the issue 1. What actions should be implemented in roam to meet each sides needs, era keeping both Jack Daniel and the farmers businesses afloat? IV. Alternatives 1. Jack Daniel could return to selling its traditional whiskey with thick slop.In doing so, it could raise the price of thick slop to the farmers to cover the expenses it takes to sword it. Positive The farmers can feed the cattle. Negative a. The feed will not be at a bargain price which will lead to farmers looking for alternatives. This result to more tension between the farmers and Jack Daniel. b. Jack Daniel will only be wasting its time and money in making the whiskey because demand for it has dropped. . The farmers should find an alternative feed for the cattle. Positive a. Jack Daniel will continue to make its dry house method with no thick slop and keep its business afloat. b. The tension between the tow might break. Negative a. Farmers will encounter to seek alternative means of feeding the cattle and may have to down size its recent growth. b. Tension might only increase. 1.Jack Daniel could hold to its promise that it would stop delivery unless the farmers made environmental improvements, which the farmers invested heavily on doing so. Positive a. Tension will clear between the two. b. The farmers will have their feed. Negative a. No written stupefy made. Jack daniel is not obligated to support the farmers. The free ride never lasts forever. V. Best Alternative There was no formal contract between the two. JD and the farmers should sign an ethical and legal contract stating their terms if any.But again JD is not obligat ed to do anything. VI Recommended action and follow up If the farmers handle to take legal action, it will only trigger more tension and go no where in court because there is no written vociferation to back them with. JD might be seen as unethical on breaking their promise but there was no proof that they had a promise and they have been doing a favor to the farmers up until now. If the farmers find no other alternative to feed cattle, they should form a business proposal for JD that fit their needs while keeping their own business afloat.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How Gender Roles Are Represented Within Harry Potter
There is a lot of gender representation in The Order of the Phoenix although this is not through purposely by the author, J. K. Rolling where there is a much larger group of main characters who atomic number 18 female. More often than not the male characters are depicted as more fun and easy passing play throughout the books especially In the first book when Heroine followed the rules to the letter, one of her most memorable lines being, beforehand you get us killed or worse expelled.However as the series continues Heroine becomes a egger rule breaker than Ron and Harry themselves I. E. Wealth the second book she convinces the other two to break about 50 school rules to discover who was behind the Chamber of Secrets. She Is always shown as the brain of the group and most of the time she doesnt even hurt to use magic to help the trio I. E. In the Goblet of Fire she aids Harry to help him win the tournament. Heroine is one of the most noted characters in the book with other charac ters even looking up to her or being awed by her skills I. E. Hen Ron says We just havent got your brains or your memory or your imprisonment or when Monoclonal says to Harry and Ron Im glad you listen to Heroine Granger at any rate she is referring to the fact the Harry and Ron dont really care to listen to what happens neer mind the deeper meaning behind what is being said and that they are more than lucky to have Heroine. The house system is sorted into different categories Gratifying for the brave, slipping for the pure blooded and cunning, Reverence for the cleverest and most intellectual and Hopefulness for anybody who could do magic. In the Order of the Phoenix during aTumbleweeds Army practice Terry Boot (a Reverence) says to Heroine, How come youre not in Reverence With brains like yours? Overall Heroine is generally represented as the backbone of the Golden Trio, who is not only clever and smart but highly brave and powerful character. She is shown to be brave in the f inal book more than any other because here she and Ron tell Harry that they are going to go with him no matter what the consequences are, nearly getting themselves killed. And In the process Heroine had to Impersonate Belletrist Lagrange and was tortured horrifically by her to.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The novel Jekyll and Hyde
Writ x in the 1880s by famous British author Robert Louis Stephenson, the novel Jekyll and Hyde is almost one slice with dissociative personalities. Jekyll and Hyde, although are visualized to be two very different characters all together, are in fact the same man, wanting to fulfil certain evil pleasures whilst still organismness a well respected member of society. However both of these desires cannot be overcome without a magic potion created by Dr Jekyll, used to transform himself into the ghastly looking at and somewhat evil being, known in this book as Hyde his other half.In the late 1800s there were a few ideas and theories arising which could be what inspired Stephenson to spell much(prenominal) an odd and interesting book. The significant developments in ideas which could be associated with this story are Charles Darwins theory of evolution and Sigmund Freuds psychological theories on dissociative personalities, which came around at the time of Stephenson writing this book.These could be linked to how Hyde is from an era where there was no such thing as morality, Hyde can also link to Freuds id (animal instinct), ego (what controls us in order to achieve others approval) and superego (sense of self), in this way Jekylls id takes over. Stephenson could also be proving a point about the class system at that time in the UK as there was a large class division, where as Jekyll has a rich, well off posh lifestyle and Hyde is a character who is crude and appears to be of a lower class, not at all respected in the society in which he lives.The first example of Stephenson portraying Hyde as being evil comes midway though the first chapter where he is first described as a little man stumping along. Already he is represent to have an ugly negative appearance, and his physical descriptions are one of the main ways which Stephenson describes Hyde overall. Next he is shown to knock over a small squirt in the street, and one may assume this was an accident, and it most likely was, up to now when Hyde shows no affection to the girl he just knocked over, and literally tramples over her, the sense of hearing knows he is a bad character.Mr Enfield (a friend of the lawyer Mr Utterson) after seeing this describes the incident as hellish and Hyde as a damned juggernaut, which relates Hyde to get violent as the Indian God of war known as Jaggernafth. Here he is also compared to Satan, which refers him to evil yet again. Another way in which Stephenson portrays Hyde to be evil is through his physical descriptions, however there is a vagueness of his facial descriptions due to the fact other people find him indescribably ugly.In chapter 8 he is said by Poole (Jekylls butler) to have a mask upon his face as such an appearance is too inhuman and unnatural to be that of a normal man. Also in that chapter Hyde is commonly referred to as it rather than him which suggest he has a lack of humanity. He is also called a beast and described as having a dismal screech, as of mere animal terror. This creates a sense of animal imagery, which is one of the ways that Stephenson portrays Hyde as being evil.Hydes vestments are described to be far too big, and that is because they are the exact same clothes worn by Dr Jekyll. This therefore shows that Jekyll is considerably taller than Hyde, and Stephenson here could be saying that not only does Jekyll overshadow Hyde in a physical sense, but also in the sense that the good in Jekyll is much great than the evil in Jekyll. Dr Jekyll is a rather interesting character who wants and respects his good reputation, but still craves some of lifes somewhat quirky pleasures.Should we question if Jekyll is as morally good as people, such as his close friends think he is, or if he is simply a scientist with urges to fulfil? In chapter ten Jekyll describes his duplicity and he also describes his first feelings of his new life as Hyde. After the racking pangs of the initial transmutations, Jekyll describes himself as feeling indescribably new and improbably sweet. He feels younger, lighter happier in body and he also talks about the freedom of his soul, what is also interesting is how he felt unspeakable yet delighted.This is the first point in which the audience know Jekyll and Hyde are in fact one, but also that Jekyll enjoys his transformation from good to evil. This idea of Jekyll enjoying his transformation suggests that by chance Jekyll is actually not so morally good. Also Jekyll describing his dual nature and saying I concealed my pleasures also go to show maybe Jekyll isnt the most morally good character which goes beside other character opinions on him such as Dr Lanyons He began to go wrong in the mind. He does however get more pleasing and positive descriptions at the start of the story, where Mr Utterson compliments him, saying he is a well-made, smooth faced man who throws pleasant dinners and whos personality was one of sincerity. As well as himself, his house is described as comfortable & warmed by Utterson which could reflect Dr Jekyll as a person. On elevation of this, the denotations F. R. S. are next to his name, which stand for Fellow of the Royal Society, and to be in such a highly respected club portrays Jekyll as a man with a much esteemed reputation and a man of high intellect. These qualities of Jekyll alongside others like his nature to industry and high head that when put against his ignominious secrets and new good feelings after his first transformation, show that Jekyll is generally good but is only human so he will have his secrets, which as deep as they may be, show that he is not evil, but nobodies perfect?From reading this book, it is clear to see that Stephenson uses several ways to show the unbent personalities of Jekyll and Hyde. The first way in which Hyde is depicted to be evil is through the descriptions of his actions, in Chapter one he is described to be stumping along and this creates a sense of negat ivity rather than just walking. The violence and severity of the verbs Stephenson uses also contribute to the portrayal of Hydes evil nature.He also uses animal imagery such as ape-like fury which compares him to an animal, a creature with no morals, and of a lower class. Then there is Jekyll, who Stephenson portrays to be the complete opposite of Hyde, and does this by talking about his privileged background, good stature and good looks, and also gives him the title Dr rather than Mr, as anyone would think of a Dr as a well respected and highly intellectual member of society.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Crocs Competencies
1. What are Crocs core competences * First of all, the most important competence of Crocs is its highly responsive supply chain. Much of the supply chains design idea comes from the initiate products technological peculiarity rubber (croslite) garb. Comparing to regular shoes these ones were made by injection molding, which allows profuse and relatively cheap production. To use such an advantage for increasing the compeverys competitiveness, the whole supply hain should be designed accordingly. * Second competence is the ability to delay the decision.As all the shoes are mad from the same homogeneous mixture of ingredients, compound that can be dyed at any stage before the production, that feature allowed to apply the delayed decision. By that Crocs could make the decision about the final products colors at the late stage, reflecting to the markets response, therefore reducing the risk of bad estimation and overstocks as a result. * In-house proceeding By moving most of its oper ation from third parties to in-house Crocs achieved the control over all the activities involved to production and distribution, assuring that the whole supply chain has the same vector of interests.With in-house all the processes becomes transparent so the lags, delays and problems can be noticed and solved in order to optimize the speed of the whole chains respond to the demand changes. * The Global presence. button the brand to all the global markets same time and shortly after the local success, the play along not only achieved the status of the original rubber shoe brand and the advantage of the economy on scale, and tax optimization but also to gained the ability to leverage on the global seasonality.Such factor allows the company to reduce to minimum the risks of bad estimation of the future demand. If the product is successful on south market, Crocs would produce more for same season at blue market. If not successful and overproduced at South same goods can be sent to No rth to clear the stock. The above mentioned four core competences provide Crocs a critical competitive advantage at the market.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Health Promotion Among the Homeless Essay
As the economy changes, so does the availability of service, goods and money for many every item-by-item. For those individuals who are already struggling with some type of issue such(prenominal) as a accrue in hours worked, wage, disability, domestic violence etc. these changes affect them in a much more spartan context. For those who become or are homeless, wellness vexation may non be the first issue to take manage of on their daily tasks list. Other things like eating, finding safe protective cover and not shake upting arrested are of the most importance.However as many contract wellness related to diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, scabies, influenza, etc. health care becomes of concern and a necessity in order to hold on a way of life. wellness promotion among the homeless fraternity is not only important precisely needed. Health promotion can be effective with the appropriate intervention methods, professional staff and the unbroken availability of servic es and goods offered to the community. The content Coalition for the Homeless (2009) noted that the Census Bureau calculated that 45. zillion Americans did not have health insurance in 2007 and come forth of this 45. 7 million uninsured individuals, 8. 1 million children in the United States were without health insurance. Homelessness and lack of health care are positively related and having no health insurance at all can itself alone cause homelessness. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless (2009), half of all personal bankruptcies in the United States in 2008 were due to health related problems.The most important fact to remember when promotion health to this community is that they have subatomic to no money, experience embarrassment, nervousness and/or may become offended and may not come in as if they need help solely may or may not be mentally ill. These three things are not only considered barriers to the community when trying to receive health care but the y are also barriers to the medical professionals who are not properly educated on how to show savvy and privacy for each homeless individual. Other relevant barriers include the lack of knowledge about where to get treated, lack of transportation and health care costs.To overcome these barriers, medical health professionals must be adequately educated on this community and any new developments within this community as well. Also low-cost transportation and public assistance must be indiscriminately made available to this population. One of the biggest slipway to break these barriers is to create and increase public health funding for this population. There is one federally funded program, Health Care for the Homeless, which provides health care for homeless persons. These services include but are not extra to substance abuse services, emergency care and public housing assistance.Also providing dental and mental health care in most areas, this federally funded program creates a st andard by which other programs created should be based off of and also provides a foundation to for other programs needed to assist this growing population. silly health in the homeless community has an effect on society. Homelessness impacts the community in the following ship canal economically, politically, legally and physically. As the number of unhealthy homeless individuals increase, the cost of maintaining and operating health facilities and service programs that provide to this population increases.Taxpayers fund these programs and services with the help of private donations. When the homeless do not seek out these federally funded or privately funded services and programs, they seek another method of obtaining money and/or services by panhandling or stealing, this creates a legal problem. Also for those individuals who do not go to a shelter or place to eat, they must find food and typically they do this through garbage cans and reclaimable places. This action creates he alth issues which causes this epidemic to continue.As there are those businesses that may deny the homeless individual to bathe or clean themselves properly, he/she may go days without proper hygiene care causing another more health problems such as scabies or other visible infections. In conclusion, homeless individuals have the human and legal right to access public information and health services provided to every other human being. It is the writers opinion that a portion of the taxation payers dollar should be spent to provide health insurance and health care to those that are homeless to a certain extent.The writer believes that each homeless individual should receive an yearbook checkup that includes mental, dental and physical services. For those taxpayers who make above a certain income range should be call for to pay more of a percentage of services needed after the initial appointment. The writer believes that homeless individuals deserve the same amount of care as th ose who are not homeless deserve. Health issues in the homeless community are ones that can be solved with constant interventions and involvement at the community level.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Parents Are Too Permissive with Their Children Nowadays Essay
hardly a(prenominal) people would defend the Victorian attitude to electric shaverren, but if you were a parent in those days, at least(prenominal) you know where you s to a faultd children were to be seen and not heard. Freud and company did away with all that and parents have been bewildered ever seen. The childs happiness is all important, the psychologists say, but what about the parents happiness? Parents suffer invariably from fear and guilt while their children gaily romp about pulling the place part. A costly old-rearing manual would permit such barbarity. The trouble is you are not allowed even to shout.Who knows what deep psychological wounds you qualification inflict? The poor child may never recover from the dreadful traumatic experience. So too is that parents bend over backwards to avoid giving their children, complexes which a hundred years ago hadnt even heard of. Certainly a child needs love, and a lot of it. But the unwarranted permissiveness of modern parent s is surely doing more harm than good. Psychologists have succeeded in undermining parents effrontery in their own authority. And it hasnt taken children long to get wind of the fact.In addition to the majuscule modern classics on children care, there are countless articles in magazines and newspapers. With so much unsolicited advice flying about, mum and dad just dont know that to do anymore. In the end, they do nil at all. So, from early childhood, the kids are in changes and parents lives are regulated according to the needs of their offspring. When the little dears burst into teenagers, they take complete control. Lax authority over the years makes adolescent rebellion against parents the entire blend in violent. If the young people are going to have a party for instance, parents are asked to leave the house.Their charge merely spoils the fun. What else can the poor parents do but obey? Children are hardly creatures (far harder than the psychologists would have us believe ) and most of them survive the harmful in influence of extreme permissiveness which is the normal condition in the modern household. Bit a great many do not. The spread of juvenile delinquency in our own age is largely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that little Johnny can seem after himself, is not at home when he returns from school, so little Johnny roams the streets.The diving field between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed. The psychologists have much to answer for. They should keep on their mouths shut and let parents get on with the job. And if children are knocked about a little bit in the process, it may not really matter too much. At least this will help them to break vigorous views of their own and give them something positive to react against. Perhaps theres some fair play in the idea that children whore had a surfeit of happiness in their childhood emerge uniform stodgy puddings and fail to make a success of life.
Plot and character outlines Essay
He similarly unavoidablenesss different colored rabbits that he can feed with the alfalfa that he will collect. Lennies woolgather doesnt come true as his child like nature means that he tries to stroke curleds wifes hair and not wanting her to scream he breaks her neck. He accordingly flees to the brush where George t obsolescent him to hide if anything went wrong. George wanting to protect Lennie from the pain of being hung decides instead to shoot him in the hold of the head similar to the way sugarcoats dog was so mercilessly killed. Another extension who has a envisage is Candy.Candy is a decrepit old man who is described as a swamper who disordered his hand at the end of his useful life on the ranch. He wishes to join George and lennie to flail the ranch. His dream is to join George and lennie and seeks security in his old age. He is desperate and determined to make it hazard as he is afraid he will end up like his dog as he will be sacked as soon as he becomes too old to do any work. Candy is considered useless as he just now has one hand I got hurt four years ago theyll can me pretty soon.Candys merely friend on the ranch was his dog who was shot and so he seeks company and doesnt want to be lonely any more, wants company in his old age I wont redeem no place to go, an I cant compass no more jobs Candys dream doesnt come true as he has to abandon his plans as lennie is killed and George has to take leave t receive as many of the men at the ranch believe that he might have been conspiring with lennie. At this Candy,s American dream is crushed. The next character who dreams is Crooks. He is a black stable hand, lives by himself in the harness room, a shed attached to the barn.Injured when a horse kicked him, Crooks has a luggage com break dancement that is bent to the left because of his crooked spine. The stable hand has many horse care items in his room, as well as personal belongings he keeps because he is a more permanent tenant. He is a proud man but he feels segregated from the other guys and so spends most of his sequence in his room reading. He used to own his own hand but he lost it He dreams of one day being accepted and being able to sit in the incline house and play cards he wants to be able to fit in and find his own place in society, have somebody that he can talk to A guy ask somebody to be near him.A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. He valued to join George and Lennie but he pulls out after George finds out that Lennie and candy have been talking to crooks active the land and Crooks wanting to avoid disappointment decides that it is best he pulls out as George is not happy. curlys wife also has a dream. Curlys wife is a seductive, pretty fair sex who not happy with her marriage to curly seeks excitement and a new life A charge came through, an I met one of the actors. He says I could go with that show. But my ol lady wouldnt let meIf Id went, I wouldnt be livin like this, you bet. she do esnt like Curlys and says he is a mean guy she is also happy when Lennie breaks Curlys hand as she says its costly you busted curly up. Her dream is to become a good-looking movie star as she makes reference to Nother time I met a guy, an he was in pitchers he says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural. Soons he get back to Hollywood he was gonna spare to me about it I never got that letter I always thought my ol lady stole it. Her dream was to go on stage and entertain as she also tried to run away with the circus A show came through, an I met one of the actors. He says I could go with that show. But my ol lady wouldnt let me If Id went, I wouldnt be livin like this, you bet. this makes reference to the fact that she is lonely as the only woman on the ranch and resents her life. Curlys wife trys to leave the ranch when she comes across lennie and they get talking, she lets Lennie touch her hair but he gets carried away and ends up killing her.Her dreams of fa me and belonging are rush along as she dies before she gets the chance to leave the ranch. The last character who has a dream is Curly. He is the foreman son, a young, pugnacious character, once a semi-professional boxer. He is described by others, with some irony, as proficient. He is very jealous and protective of his wife and immediately develops a dislike toward Lennie. He is get marry but his marriage is a shame as his wife feels lonely and spends half her time purportedly looking for curly. His wife could be described as a promiscuous as she seems to take a interest in the other men on the ranch.Curly is a small guy and doesnt like big guys, like all small guys, he dont like big guys His dream was to become a professional boxer but he had to stay on the ranch, he feels insecure and possessive of his wife, as she has a promiscuous personality. Seems like Curly is cockier than ever since he got married. His dreams were dashed as he had to stay on the ranch and was not allo wed to follow his dream, this may be why he is so bitter and angry . He also cannot even keep his wife as she seems to wander off a lot.His dreams are further crushed as his hand is staidly damaged in a fight with Lennie. As his hand is broken he will never be able to fight again, as well as the shame of being beaten by someone who is considered to be mentally handicapped really damaged his reputation. To sum up, most the characters in the obligate have a dream of some sort. All of the characters dreams in the book of mice and men do not come true . Lennie and Georges dream is slashed by Lennie killing Curlys wife and her dreams are slashed as she is killed but Curlys wife dose finally decide to leave Curly which was part of her dream.Candys dream dies with Lennie as George is not interested in the farm anymore. Crooks had his dream when he used to own his own bit of land but it was taken away from him and so his dream was crushed. They dog their dreams but none of them came true which has reference to the American dream which many people chased but most never achieve. By marc di-trolio Show preview only The above preview is unformatted textbook This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Research in the Mood
http//dnsc. academia. edu/ennelgArugal Final opus in PA 231 Public Fiscal presidential term activity Glenne B. Lagura Gaming swordplay (Filipino Amusement and Gaming deal PAGCor) Submitted to DR. ANTONIO M. FAUNILLIAN JR. , MPA Instructor Submitted by Glenne B. Lagura UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHEASTERN PHILIPPINES BO. OBRERO, DAVAO CITY College of Governance and Business Master of Public Administration April 10, 2012 1 Glenne B. Lagura Outline I. Introduction a) b) c) d) Back landed estate of PAGCor wag of Directors Management PAGCors Operational Highlights ? Sources of PAGCors income ? PAGCors earnings ?PAGCors contribution to nation building II. Discussion a) Where does PAGCors income go? b) Corporate kindly Responsibilities of PAGCor III. Analyses a) companionable Problems b) Reduce Re venue? c) PAGCor Problems and Ch on the whole toldenges ? Il effective becomes Legal ? cognizant or Unaw atomic number 18? or Aware to be Unaware? ? Institutional Problems d) Anomalies ? Regulate glide by WATCHED ? Is turn a cursed? e) Corruptions f) Recent Issues IV. contingent Solutions and Recommendations a) b) c) d) e) Maintain the Status Quo PAGCOR to concentrate on its regulative modus operandi Privatization Abolish and close PAGCOR and explicate solutions from a study.V. VI. Conclusion References 2 I. Introduction A. Background of PAGCor The role and impact of Government-Owned and Control great deal (GOCC) on the financial position of the political relation and the economy continue to be signifi sightt to this day. contempt reforms under taken in the past, according to the instruction on Audit, there remain around one hundred thirty three GOCCs operating in the areas of agriculture, transportation, home, public utilities, provision of housing, industrial development and finance. The dismal performance of mevery of these quite a littles has contributed to the monetary deficits of the public sphere.As defined under PD 2029, GOCC is a take or a non-stock weed, whether performing governmental or patented functions, which is directly chartered by special law or, if organized under the global corporation law, is owned or controlled by the government directly or indirectly through a tallyent corporation or subsidiary corporation, the extent of at least a majority of its outstanding capital stock or of its outstanding voting capital stock. Filipino Amusement and Gaming passel (PAGCor) is a ampere-second percent government-owned and controlled corporation.It was realized to regulate all games of chance in the country. It was created in 1977 to oversee the act of romp cassinos, to generate caudexs for the governments developmental projects, to promote tourism in the country, and to help balk nonlegal romp. PAGCor had an initial authorized capital stock of P5 trillion which was later increased to P200 mess aboution. PAGCor is authorized to repeat money from topical anaesthetic or remote sources. Half of PAGCors earni ngs are remitted to the say-so of the exchequer (BOT) to be used in programs and projects as directed and authorized by the Office of the hot seat of the Philippines.This is excursus from the mandated beneficiaries which receive reenforcement from PAGCor. Its remaining funds form part of the Social Fund to finance infrastructure and/or socio-civic projects. The Corporation was created during the Martial Law years by virtue of a chairwomanial code (PD 1067-A) in response to calls for the Philippine Government to put a stop to the growing proliferation of amerciable casino operations in various parts of the country because. The law creating PAGCor was later amended and consolidated by PD 1896 otherwise k at a timen as the PAGCor Charter.Under this Charter, PAGCOR is mandated to ? Regulate, authorize and license games of chance, games of cards and games of numbers, particularly casino sport in the Philippines ? Generate r until nowues for the Philippine Governments socio-civic and national development programs and ? Help promote the Philippine tourism industry. In June 2007, Republic Act 9847 was passed by the Philippine Congress, extending the corporate life of the state-run shimmer wet by 25 years, renewable for another 25 years. It in like manner prescribed the following amendments to the PAGCor Charter 3 ? ? ? ?PAGCor can enter into agreements including joint venture, with each person, firm, association or corporation Requirements to obtain consent of the local government authority that has territorial jurisdiction over the area chosen as berth for any PAGCors operations Exclusion of jai alai from PAGCor operations and Delimitation of regulatory authority and power over gaming activities cover by other existing prerogatives, regulatory bodies or special laws. Presently, PAGCor is the third largest r all the sameue-generating arm of the government next to the BIR and the Bureau of Customs.From January to noneember 2011, PAGCor generated gross r evenue of P33. 15 gazillion, P15. 51 billion of which was channeled to large-scale socio-civic programs. B. mesa of Directors The Board of Directors is composed of five (5) members, three (3) of whom shall come from the government sector and shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines and the other two (2) shall come from the esoteric sector who own at least 1 persona of stock in the corporation and shall be elected by the stockholders of the corporation in the annual frequent meeting or in a special meeting called for such purpose.Each Director shall serve for a term of one (1) year and until his successor shall take in been duly qualified and appointed. C. Management PAGCor is managed by its chief Executive Officer who is the co-occurrent Chairman of the Board. He is assisted by PAGCors President and concurrent Chief Operating Officer, a Vice-President for Administration, and various department heads. 134 Personnel management policies garment by the Board of Di rectors govern the hiring of personnel.All employees of the casinos and related services are classified as confidential appointees and their employment is exempt from the provision of the Labor Code or any of its implementing rules and rules. As such, employee unions or any form of employee associations are not allowed to be formed to ensure continuous and uninterrupted service to its customers. D. PAGCors Operational Highlights PAGCor is engaged in the furrow of gaming and is the however entity franchised by the government to operate casinos in the country. Its major product lines populate of table games, time slot motorcars, and chip washing.It also offers internet gaming, internet sports betting, and lotto and slot machine submit units. Internationally recognized games equivalent Baccarat, Black Jack, Roulette, Craps, Big & Small, Pai Gow Poker, Stud Poker, Pontoon, and Super 6 are accessible in its Casino Filipino branches. Aside from table games and slot machines, PAG Cor has also expanded its operations to entangle the conduct and regulation of bingo games as it expands the image of Casino Filipino from a gaming venue into a vehicle for wholesome entertainment for the whole family. 4 With all those line of business transactions, PAGCor is set to uphold its olicy by constantly upgrading and using a state-of-the-art technology to make it at par with the top gaming destinations of the world as it puts into action its vision of beclimax A Global Corporation with a Global Mindset and a Filipino Heart. ? Sources of PAGCors Income PAGCor derives bulk of its income from the winnings of the gaming, slot machine and in-house bingo operations of its different casino branches. The corporation also gets substantial earnings from other sources like its other regulated gaming activities such as private licensed casinos, poker operations, commercial bingo operations, E-games and others. PAGCors earnings PAGCor is the Philippine government third largest revenu e-generating arm, next to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC). From the time the government went into the direct managements and supervision of casino operations in 1986 up to December 31 2010, PAGCor generated a staggering gross revenues of P355. 575 billion. ? PAGCors contributions to nation building Of the P355. 775 billion total revenues over the last 25 years, PAGCors contributions to nation building amounted to P203. 646 billion, which comprised 57% of the agencys gross earnings during the period.These contributions were in the form of remittances to the BIR and the interior(a) Treasury which went directly to government coffers for funding farreaching and big national the Philippines Sports Commission for the training of the countrys national athletes in international sporting events and in cultivating Philippine sports at the grassroots the Board of Claims to give justice to those who were wrongly accused or prosecuted hundreds of companion ship development programs of nationwide implemented through the efforts of PAGCors casino host-cities which get a consider from the corporations revenues and the Presidents Social Fund which has been tapped to finance high impact programs such as construction of groom bui8ldings, provision of potable water systems in the countryside, and funding of livelihood programs for the marginalized sectors of society, among others. II. Discussions 5 A. Where does PAGCors income go? In accordance with its Charter, PAGCors income is distributed in the following manner ? ? ? ? ? % of net winnings goes to the BIR as franchise measure 50% of the 95% balance goes to the National Treasury as the National Governments mandated income manage 1% of the net cash income goes to the Board of Claims, an agency under the Department of Justice, which compensates victims of wrongful detention and pursuance 5% of the balance by and by the Franchise Tax and the National Governments mandated income share go es to the Philippine Sports Commission to finance the countrys sports development programs and Fixed amount is given to cities hosting Casino Filipino branches for their respective community development projects. Aside from the abovementioned mandatory contributions, PAGCor has also tapped as funding source for the performance of the following vital laws ? P 400 million a year or P2 billion in five years to the Early Childhood Car and Development Program ? P100 million initial funding to the Sports Benefits and Incentives Act ? P300 million or P10 million a month to the Gasoline Training and Loan fund ?P250 million to be taken from the remittance to the Presidents Social Fund to implement the National Museum Act of 1998 ? P5 million a month to be taken from the National Treasurys share to support the Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002 ? P30 million to fund the Childrens TV Act of 1997 ? P300 million contribution to the Barangay Micro Business Development Fund ? P50 million for th e National Book Development swear Fund and ? P312 million for the Department of Science and Technology. The remaining balance of PAGCors income is then remitted to the Presidents Social Fund to help finance the priority projects of the government. Below is the figure indicating the *distribution of the revenue generated by the Corporation. 6 Based on the 2010 Annual Report of PAGCOR Figure 1 Income Distribution of PAGCor B. Corporate Social Responsibilities of PAGCor The following are the activities conducted by PAGCor as appended in the Annual Report 2011 of the foot 1. 2. 3. 4. Bringing elementary social services closer to the Filipino masses Helps blast victims get back on their feet literally Restoring he Pasig River back to life Sharing the Gift of Hope Pamaskong Handog III. Analyses As the third largest revenue source in the country, PAGCor plays a vital role in the economic development and took part of responsibility with regards to fiscal advancement of the country.Asi de from the bulk income generated by this excogitation, it attracts also the foreign investors to invest in this kind of business hence promoting the country as a tourist spot in terms of legal gaming and gambling. even out by that, though it brought a cause for the alleviation of the economic view as per scrutiny, as a duplicate, it conveys some consequences and also faces problems and acts. The following sited situations prevails the point of view of the owner of this paper as to the current situation of PAGCor and its effects to the community. Further, some contents of this part contain documentation of issues and problems base from the current news and breeding cited from different reliable sources. more thanover, the views and opinions of the presenter do 7 ot necessarily reflect the contents or tidings of the neither class nor stand point of the subject instructor, frankincense all the generated opinions are purely coming from the presenter. ? Social Problems With the initial concept of regulating and legalizing any games of chance and gambling in the country in order to raise revenue, presently it gives an idea to the common people to formulate their own versions of establishing in any ways and means which are now considered to be as illicit. Some of the few immoral or unauthorized games or activities that exist are the following cockfighting, jueteng, horse racing bingo and other forms of lotteries, slot machines other mechanical contraptions and devices and online gambling. All the above mentioned activities are against the PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 602 wherein it prescribes stiffer penalties on illegal gambling. Aside from the fact that it contradicts the law of the land, reality check, these illegal actions became a part of the regular activities of those individuals in a community who are engaging their selves to be part of these. Worse comes to worst, these brought an obvious social problems which we encountered nowadays. It entices every one, old and recent even children to be involved in these activities. At an early age, children at this time learn the knowhow of involving their selves in these activities which brought pessimist consequences with regards to their studies and to the habitual lifestyle of the people.This reality is pretended to be unknown to all of us, considered to be a universal activities and unfortunately, big officials are the one who is behind under this operations. If it is the rule of the PAGCor to regulate these illegal activities, then who is in charge of implementing necessary actions to those who make these obvious offenses? What actions were countered already with regards to discontinuing these rampant(ip) activities which resulted to crime, death and other anti-humanitarian acts? Is the subject entry took already a response to the matter? Below is a statement quoted about illegal gambling by Roy Q. Lagarde in his denomination The Scourge of Legalized free rein. manoeuvres negativ e consequences are even more formidable than the flaunted revenues to subsidize purportedly governments social services programs. One which is a visible problem is crime. Historically, crime increases where gambling is legal. Studies showed that problematic gamblers sometimes turn to criminal activities to support their habit. Gamblers a unassailable deal deal drugs, embezzle, or steal to get money to gamble or to pay gambling debts. Prostitution, and general sexual immorality, likewise rises because of immoral entertainment provided in and near gambling houses. In fact, alongside with more or less gambling dens in Metro Manila KTV bars have sprouted like mushrooms, many of which conspicuously display Japanese characters and signs recruiting GROs. 8 ? Reduce Revenue?It is visible already to the eyes of everybody the existence of those activities which are considered as illegal as to the fact that PAGCor is the hardly grounding that is authorizes to establish and to lead those activities. What a mishap to imagine that even by now those brass which are considered to be illegal in their operation are still in service of doing their unlawful work. Fortunate to the forefront of this criminal movement, it becomes a vast and growing business. Is the institution PAGCor, doesnt twoer to imagine what would be the effect of those growing illegal establishment in every region as to the income that is supposed to be generated by the institution? Accessibility wise, those illegal establishments can be nearly reach compare to those firms which are authorized to do such legal acts.If the PAGCor is the one also mandated to regulate those unlawful actions what possibly be the actions to be undertaken for the purpose of first, taking good care at their primary economic reason of generating revenue for the Republic of the Philippines, second, assessing their role as to the regulation of these rampant rising activities, third preventive measure of responding to this situ ation and last lawful actions that are infallible to be done. ? PAGCor Problems and Challenges A. Illegal? becomes Legal? Gambling is a major social problem in the country. not even the ouster of President Joseph Estrada from Malacanang Palace, on charges of receiving jueteng money from syndicates, could abate the problem. Jueteng is state to be a P40-billion business in the Philippines, annually. The need to answer and to come up a solution as to the problem of rampant increase of illegal gambling in the country is quite an undying issue. It can be considered as an infinite problem in algebra, the constant looking for the value of x and y.In that case, the never-ending issue of the involvement of those influential persons is considered as the main angle to relate in this situation. Some if not many of the government officials in the country are involved in these illegal gambling and heard to be as the organizer and supporter of the prohibited gambling and gaming activities. Philip pine gambling laws permit a wide variety of licensed and taxed gaming options, yet Jueteng, the nations most popular game, is illegal and remains firmly in the hands of organized crime, this statement was hard-pressed in the article of Alex Nevsky, Government Official Involved in Illegal Sports Betting in the Philippines at the internet site www. gamingzone. om last April 26, 2011, where it was sited also the allegedly involvement of an administration employee in illegal gambling including operating illegal jai alai games and promoting online casino in the country. B. Aware or Unaware? Or Aware to be Unaware? In the published article Is PAGCor a betting illegal gambling? of Alejandro del Rosario at Manila Standard forthwith Newspaper last December 10, 2011, Senator Aquilino Koko Pimentel questioned the proliferation of gambling houses in the country. He queried also if the real institution (PAGCor) is properly regulating the operation of these casinos which seem to 9 sprout lik e wild mushrooms. Senator Pimentel stated that PAGCor seems remiss in regulating the operation of these private casinos and electronic betting houses and lax in the granting of licenses to them.During that time, Pimentel heads the Senate committee on games and amusement, thus he seek to address the adverse effects of these gambling houses on the youth and the rising incidence of crime. C. Institutional Problems The following problems were cited based on the thesis of Cecilio Villanueva entitled The Philippine Amusement & Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) as Government Regulator and Operator of Legalized Gambling Its Implications for National Security which was published at www. ndcp. edu. ph last 2008 ? Unclear regulatory functions and procedures in registration/affiliation and granting of licenses ? Lack of coordination with the Securities and Exchange Commission, DTI and other regulatory bodies ? alliance with the newly created Economic Zones Coordinate with PEZA and other entities empo wered by law for economic zones ? Relationship with the Local Government Units (LGUs) ? Problems with text scams ? Casinos located close to each other ? Operator Functions Gambling scams and syndicates / foreign terror groups ? Arrogance/rudeness of the players ? Overbearing presence of hookers and financiers to the disgust of players ? Old and out-modeled machines and other gaming equipments ? church buildings continued opposition to PAGCOR ? Perception of graft and corruption ? Discipline/Attitudes of employees ? So many employees of PAGCOR ? More PAGCOR officials and employees being pirated for work abroad ?Tourism Development Political intrigues ? Financial Capacities ? How to continue with high income ? bane of privatization ? Too much expenses for non-organic personnel and ? PAGCOR lagging behind in Asian Gaming Industry. Even by now, as we can see and heard at the news, with the recent issues PAGCor is facing, we can somewhat say that the institution is still trying to fi x what is not being fixed out of those above cited problems. ? Anomalies A. Regulate Authorize WATCHED In line with the article of Alejandro del Rosario, as accorded by Senator Pimentel, the issue is not the big revenue that can be generated by those casinos but they too need to be watched.The Senator recall incidences in past administrations when casino handlers were suspected of skimming from the revenue, where it should be that a portion of the revenue earned from these 10 casinos is supposed to go the Presidents social amelioration fund. He added that the problem is the existence of scurvy private gambling houses that propagate in many areas including residential ones. Signages of private poker clubs are everywhere and when it comes to the gambling houses, all are well shuttered with a guard-doorman usually stationed at the entrance and by that, we can only imagine what else goes on in there. B. Is gambling a cursed? In the paper of Roy Q.Lagarde it was stated by far also, ther e have been more accusations of anomalous transactions in PAGCOR including the P489 million in rents PAGCOR give to the Hyatt Manila Hotel and Casino, and the hiring of 116 consultants, 103 retainers and many directors in exclusive clubs. It was merely cited also in the said paper the standstill of Francisco Tatad, erst date senator, whom charged Arroyo and some legislators for covering-up allegedly allowing PAGCOR to continue its operation. The senator explained the fact that PAGCOR was created under PD 1067-A, with a 25-year franchise to operate under PDs 1067-A, 1067-B and 1067-C, all issued on January 1, 1977. These decrees were, however, consolidated into one PD-No. 869 on July 11, 1983 without changing the 25-year contract, thus, the franchise was to transcend January 1, 2002. But the Arroyo administration allegedly railroaded last December a bill which misrepresents the 25-year franchise as having taken effect on July 11, 1983 instead of Jan. 1, 1977, and expiring only on July 11, 2008 instead of having already expired on Jan. 1, 2002. ? Corruptions The biggest problem, in a word, is corruption or at least the potential for it. In many years, not only few government officials have been implicated in gambling-related scandals. Members of House of Representatives constantly sat down in a session to address alleged scandals in the countrys gambling industry.Legislators have been demanding that the PAGCOR commit its books to an audit so that the people go out be able know how the gaming, if gambling, government corporation spends billions of pesos it earns from its operations. Where do these revenues go and how does the general public benefit from them? Rep. Crispin Beltran asked during a House session. Its apparent that for all of PAGCORs projections that it donates millions to socio-civic projects of the government and contributes to charities, billions more are pocketed by its officials and their business partners in the private sector. PAGCOR is a government institution where corruption is inherent and undeniable. quoted from the article The Scourge of Legalized Gambling by Roy Q. Lagarde at www. impactmagazine. net. To continue, Rep.Robert Jaworski said From what I heard, PAGCOR is the Santa Claus for a lot of government officials and there is no way we could verify this report because of questionable spending procedures. I was also surprised that most of its finances are not covered by any auditing mechanism by Commission on Audit. In factual basis, for several years, PAGCORs contributions to the Presidents Social Fund did not pass through the National Treasury until the 11 implementation of E-VAT recently, imposing a 10 percent tax on services not previously covered by the old VAT law including PAGCOR. ? Recent issues IV. Possible Solutions and Recommendations A. PAGCOR to concentrate on its regulatory function The idea of separating the roles of PAGCor is a situation that they should delve into.It is favorable to imagi ne separating the role of regulator and operator in order for the institution to focus in its focal function though it requires thorough revision. In an article from Philippine Star, Palace Separating PAGCor roles needs further study by Delon Porcalla last marchland 05, 2012, Abigail Valte, deputy presidential spokesperson pointed out that Malacanang hinted already the amendment of separating the dual role of PAGCor but it requires further study. Further, PAGCor chairman and chief executive officer Cristino Naguiat Jr. , admitted that the idea requires congressional action which means going through the legislative mill all over again .Naguiat said, PAGCor is open to spinning off its casino operations and retaining its regulatory role, to change it to focus more on monitoring and policing the growing gambling business in the country. He stressed however that doing so would not be easy and that a closer study should be done. The scheme, if implemented, will have an impact on PAGCors financial commitments to national government and sports agencies. B. Privatization In an article of Francis Earl Cueto Gambling is Life, Edward King, spokesman for PAGCor chairman Efraim Genuino, told The Manila Times that first and foremost, one amour that people should remember is that PAGCor is a creation of law. The issue of privatizing PAGCor is also very controversial, with several lawmakers pushing for it and even more congressmen against it.King said that while the act can be considered purely from the noble and idealistic viewpoint that government should not be in the business of gambling, one has to think from the point of view of generating funds for the government. In addition, King said that if the government would privatize PAGCor, then all income goes to the private sector leaving only a small amount in taxes being paid to the government coffers. If you give PAGCor to the private, they will just be paying(a) taxes. in that location is a huge difference between a fra ction of income from taxes to 100 percent, King said. To notice with the situation, the issue of privatizing PAGCor in order to divest itself of assets to be more productive in the hands of the private sector would somewhat be an issue that talks a lot.The idea of transferring the management of the said institution into the private one for better management and proper delineation of function is a good thing to be heard, it could be beneficial in many ways. But, in my own perception, this dream might be turned into a great nightmare. We dont know if those lawmakers/government officials have their own own(prenominal) and hidden agenda of buying and operating 12 PAGCor as we could not deny the fact that the institution is producing bulky of pennies. This is the simple analogy, privatize PAGCor then, they get the income the lawmakers may perhaps be getting their own kickbacks from certain lobby groups who want PAGCor for their personal purpose.If PAGCor will fall to the hand of those private individuals, then who will now regulate the activities of PAGCor? The point of arriving to this situation selling another GOCC emanates from the idea of poor management, corruption and undying anomalies. If that is the case, then the target is to seize the rats that slowly rotten the house and scrutinize the system and procedures brought by those pests. C. Abolish and mop up PAGCOR. The call for the abolition of the governments legitimate gambling institutions came as their funds were allegedly being used for political rather than charitable purpose. The recommendation to shut down Pagcor could be a major reaction because of reports of fund misuse, Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte said.To note with the issue, let us not draw a blank that the ultimate goal of the mandate of PAGCOR, is to provide assistance to those in need. It is better to put in purpose systemic reforms first and see whether these systemic reforms will work before we talk about what rattl ing should be done to the agencies. In another way, it is indeed a fact that the institution is generating bulky income which serves as a great help in giving financial support for the economic development of our country. D. Formulated Solutions from thorough study As per cited abovementioned problems in the thesis of Cecilio Villanueva, below are the suggested solutions as respective counterpart ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Issue clear guidelines on licensing, grants of authority Establish linkages with the SEC, DTI and other regulatory agencies Establish clear in operation(p) guidelines with the L GUs in view of RA 9487 Seek clear guidance from NTC, DTI and other government agencies polish zonal locations of the casinos or centers being applied for Deputize PAGCOR to curb illegal gambling Launch PR race / Security Measures Beef up security / Investments in CCTV cameras Find partners under the 60/40 arrangements Corporate Social Responsibilities Foster good relations wi th the Church Establish Resident Ombudsman and COA to issue or make public records for transparency Seminars on values, productivity Strengthen the Disciplinary Board Screening, testing of pplicants deservingness system Human Resource Development Loyalty awards Focus more on hotel industry/ tourism Vigorous merchandising efforts to attract players 13 Glenne B. Lagura http//dnsc. academia. edu/ennelgArugal ? ? ? In-depth study on privatization Contract-out the services of the non-organic personnel and Vigorous marketing efforts. V. Conclusion Despite the surge of PAGCor income that has succeeded immensely in supporting the cash-strapped government, several lawmakers, nongovernment organizations and especially the religious sector are still firmly against government engaging in the business of operating casinos. Many Filipinos have long suspected that gambling money finances political campaigns in this country. But this has never been established as fact.The politicians who benefit f rom gambling funds will certainly lack the political will to spearhead an investigation. Reflecting the sentiments of the political leadership, law enforcers will also have no interest in verifying those perceptions. There are cops who even openly admit that gambling money finances police operations in certain areas of the country. Complicating the problem is the unsure state policy on gambling, which deprives the government of the moral high ground to crack down on illegal numbers games popular among the poor such as jueteng. Despite new laws imposing stiffer punishment for illegal gambling, jueteng continues to thrive and enrich gambling lords.The government could go after these gambling barons and plug one of the largest sources of corruption by applying new laws against money laundering or even old laws on tax evasion. Lawmakers could pass legislation that will compel transparency in campaign contributions. It may be impossible to stop Filipinos from gambling, but it is not imp ossible to discourage the corruption that is peril by illegal gambling Unfortunately for the nation, political will has always been lacking in both the executive and legislative branches when it comes to stopping the flow of money, especially big money, regardless of the source. The status quo has worked for the typical Filipino politician, whose attitude is, if it aint broke, why fix it?On the other hand, the idea of Senator Ralph Recto that the PAGCOR pork should go to national budget is agreeable it applies the mere saying Prevention is better than Cure. This is to prevent also the abuse of misusing the money which can be avoided if the discretionary funds were written into the General Appropriations Act (GAA) or the national budget. 14 References Newspaper/ Published Journals Burning House Infested with Rats is not Right Solution to Problem. Philippine day-to-day Inquirer ( January 16, 2012). Retrieved March 1, 2012 from http//opinion. inquirer. net/21183/burning-house-infeste d-withrats-is-not-right-solution-to-problem Cabacungan, G. (2012, February 28).Lawmakers rally round PAGcor, move to ban Wynn. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved March 03, 2012 from http//globalnation. inquirer. net/26911/lawmakers-rally-round-pagcormove-to-ban-wynn Calica, A. (2011, July 09). Palace No need to abolish PCSO, PAGCOR, The Philippine Star. Retrieved March 15, 2012 from http//www. philstar. com Cueto, F (2007, February 25). Gambling is Life. Retrieved March 13, 2012 from http//www. skyscrapercity. com/showthread. php? t=647381 Del Rosario, A. (2011, December 10). Is PAGCor a betting illegal Gambling?. Manila Standard at present Newspaper. Retrieved February 16, 2012 from http//www. manilastandardtoday. com/insideOpinion. htm? =2011/dece mber/10/andydelrosario. isx=2011/december/10 Diaz, J (2011, July 27. Lawmakers seek probe of PAGCor Anomalies. The Philippine Star. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from http//www. philstar. com Lagarde, R. The Scourge of Legalized Gambling. Retrieved March 12, 2012 from http//www. impactmagazine. net/v39v09/coverstory. htm PCSO, PAGCOR Pork should go to National Budget Recto. abscbnNEWS. com(2011). Retrieved March 10, 2012 from http//www. abscbnnews. com/nation/07/13/11/pcso-pagcor-pork-should-go-natlbudget-recto Privatized PAGcor to shoot in more revenues for govt. abscbnNEWS. com(2011). Retrieved March 10, 2012 from http//www. abscbnnews. om/ nation/08/16/10/privatized-pagcor-bring-morerevenues-govt Porcalla, D. (2012, March 05). Palace Separating Roles needs further Study. The Philippine Star. Retrieved March 5, 2012 from http//www. philstar. com PDF Files 15 A Profile of Selected GOCCs. pdf PAGCOR Annual Report 2010. pdf Presidential Decree No. 1602. pdf Thesis Villanueva, C (2008). The Philippine Amusement and Gaming corporation (PAGCOR) as Government Regulatorand Operator of Legalized Gambling Its Implications for national Security. Retrieved March 15, 2012 from http//www. ndcp. edu. ph/library/thesislist. php? start=1661 http//dnsc. academia. edu/ennelgArugal Glenne B. Lagura 16
Friday, May 17, 2019
Effect of Colors on the Brain and on Emotions Essay
Colors ar an intimate facet of our everyday lives and exist in everything that we see. Colors and emotions have a strong family between them. It is widely recognized that colour in have also a strong impact on our emotions and feelings (Hemphill, 1996 Lang, 1993 Mahnke, 1996). The strain red has been associated with excitement, strength, sex, passion, speed, and danger. White has been associated with pure, virginal, clean, youthful, and mild. Blue that is most(prenominal) popular color has been associated with trust, reliability, belonging, and coolness.Black is allied with sophistication, elegant, seductive, mystery, and sexual. And strike hard is allied with soft, sweet, nurture, and security. Colors are linked with many different emotions. All colorise have positively charged and negative impression connected with it. It has been time-tested and proven that colors have different alpha crop associated with it. The purpose of the study was to see if the brain responses dif ferently sequence face at different colors and to see if in that location were any connections between color and emotions. Methods ParticipantsThe data for this study was gathered by a total of 11 participants from Cognitive Neuroscience Lab class (4 male and 7 female) at the University Center, Lake County Campus. Among those participants included hotshot professor and the other ten consisted of undergraduate students from psychology department at Northeastern Illinois University. All the participants tested had no sort of color deficiency. Stimuli Series of six questions were prepared for the experiment consisting of two parts the commencement ceremony part included power-point with the five different colors playing each for 20 seconds followed by the questionnaire.The serial publication of questions asked the participants about their emotional stage while looking at the colors. Five stochastic colors were chosen based on cultural reference for America. The colors consisted of red, albumin, blue, black and pink. The color samples were prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 software. result For this study, participants were tested individually in a classroom designed as a computer lab. each participant was seated front of a backcloth computer. The monitor displayed each color illustration wide-cut screened integrity at a time which lasted 20 seconds each.Participants were told to look for a smiley face while looking at colors to keep them focused on the screen. Each participant was observed under the NeuroSky outlook electroencephalogram while viewing the colors to record their brain activity. The order of color illustration was homogeneous for all the participants. After each participant was d matchless looking at the colors they were asked a series of questions related to emotions. Participants were asked, What emotional response do you associate with (name of color)? and What color attracted you more?These questions were modified from Boya tizis and Varghese (1994) and Hemphill (1996). Only one response was permitted for each question. The purposes were recorded on an observation sheet. Each observation lasted about 5 proceeding each. Results Data for this study was analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The median and mean was conducted to get the different alpha amplitude. there were a total of seven different responses for answers to choose from for the emotion section of the questionnaire and five different colors to choose from for the response to what color attracted the participant more.Some of the questions had the same essence (e. g. , calm, angry) and some had different meaning such as (honest, stable). Based on the results red had the highest amplitude which means that participants were calm while ceremony the color red. Pink had the lowest amplitude which means that participants were excited or stressed while observance the color pink. The average mean ranged from 29. 3 11. 6. Even though red is considered an excited color the EEG showed that participants were more calm or relaxed while observing red.Pink is considered a soft and sweet color but the EEG showed that participants were stressed and excited while observing pink. One-tailed t-test was used to analyze the data for significance. on that point was significance between all colors drop when we compared red vs. white and white vs. black. The p-value for red and white was 0. 1, for white and blue p-value was 0. 02, between blue and black p-value was . 14, and p-value between black and pink was 0. 03. These results show that there was significance difference in alpha.The different amplitude showed the different alpha rate. Nine out of 11 participants chose pink as most excited color and six out of eleven chose pink as their favorite color. This shows a correlation between brain activity and emotions. The EEG showed pink as the most stressed or excited color and the participants chose pink as more excited as the answer to one of the question for experiment. Discussion The main aim for this study was to examine color-brain activity allied with emotions among random sample from undergraduate students and professor.The present study consisted of five different colors including red, white, blue, black and pink. A headset from NeuroSky Mindset, desktop computer and a questionnaire. Overall, 54. 4% participants utter that pink was their favorite color and 81. 8% of participants said that they mat up excited when they say the color pink. 18% of participants said they were attracted to the color red and the rest of 27% was distributed as among the color white, blue and black. The results concluded that there was a significant different among all the colors except for red vs. white and black vs. hite.A total of six participants said that they felt danger when they see red but the EEG results showed the opposite concluding that they were more relaxed. A total of six participants said they felt calm while looking at white and seven said they were calm while looking at blue color. Almost all for except one said they felt secure while seeing the color black. For future studies, I would have the participants write their emotional response serious after they see the color and have them decide what response they feel instead of having them to choose one of the answers given.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Triple Bottom Line Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Triple Bottom Line - Assignment ExampleThis is and having a negative effect on performance at the corporate level because the association does really little to focus on environmental sustainability and social justice. This makes it difficult to have stakeholder goodwill because corporate ratings of the company are very low.The use of the TBL measurement system would also come with some short full limit consequences for the organization. The first of much(prenominal) short term consequences have to do with increase in the companys budgetary outgo. This is because to get the full potential of TBL measurement system, it is important to institutionalize it in the company and catch that every needed resource that makes its implementation successful is apportioned (Slaper & Hall, 2011). Such rise in expenditure may come as a result of the need to set up a immature TBL monitoring team or department. Another short term consequence would be possible organisational friction that w ould come as a result of changes in the organizational culture of the company. Such changes in organizational culture would have to come to ensure that aspects of environmental sustainability and social justice are co-ordinated into the activities of the company (Shrivastava & Berger, 2010).There are also long term consequences of using TBL measurement system. These long term consequences would however be seen as yields from the short term consequences. The first of such long term consequences would be improved corporate returns for the company. These corporate returns can be measured not only in monetary value of financial growth but also in terms of sustainability and social justice. Indeed companies that have such hopes for sustainability and social justice are always guaranteed to have lesser legal issues with its in-house and external stakeholders such as employees and suppliers. This is because by the use of the TBL measurement system, the
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