Monday, August 12, 2019

Structure Of The Larynx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Structure Of The Larynx - Essay Example The cricoid cartilage in turn is the connecting cartilage that attaches the larynx to the trachea or the air passage. The epiglottis on the other hand, is connected to the thyroid cartilage at its notch. Because of its leaf like shape and position, it "helps to direct food and liquid into the esophagus and to protect the vocal cords and trachea during swallowing" (Milton J. Dance, Jr. Head & Neck Rehabilitation Center, 1999). The skeletal frame of the larynx is systematically supported by the attaching muscles. According to John Hopkins Medicine (n.d.), "the control over these muscles is provided by two branches of the vagus nerve: the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the superior laryngeal nerve". These are the extrinsic and intrinsic laryngeal muscles, which are called accordingly because of the position of its attachments. "The extrinsic muscles are described as such because they attach to a site within the larynx and to a site outside of the larynx (such as the hyoid bone jaw, etc.)" (Milton J. Dance, Jr. Head & Neck Rehabilitation Center, 1999). These extrinsic laryngeal muscles are further grouped into the suprahyoid group (above the hyoid bone) and the infrahyoid group (below the hyoid bone).

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2 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2 inquiries - Assignment Example For Example, in the event that we duplicate two numbers a^5 and a^3, at that point we include forces of ...